
  1. 属于目标消费群体高度集中情况。

    This is a situation with highly condensed target customers .

  2. 富人们自然成为其目标消费群体。

    And the wealthy are a natural target market .

  3. 分析了目标消费群体的构成以及目标消费群体的消费需要。

    N TARGET The constitution and demand of target consumers are studied as well .

  4. 一是以理性诉求方式满足消费者既存的认知期待。不同体育商品要根据目标消费群体的心理机制的差异确定综合的诉求方式。

    Based on differences of the mentally mechanism of the consumers , it is necessary to establish a comprehensive way of appeal .

  5. 当客户改变主意,决定去追逐一个完全不同的目标消费群体时,我们过去半年的辛苦工作都变成无用功了。

    When the client did a 180 and decided to go after a completely different target audience , our hard work over the last six months was completely wasted .

  6. 市场总监应向总经理提交施行大纲,阐述特殊房价执行的有效性、目标消费群体和收益情况,获得批准后方可执行。

    Director of Marketing will submit a proposal outlining the special rate offered , the validity , the targeted audience and the benefits included to General Manager for approval .

  7. 市场目标消费群体主要是原设备制造商、汽车修理厂、汽车出租公司和运输公司、加油站专卖店及汽车快捷保修店。

    Their targeted consumers are primarily original equipment manufacturers , garages , car rental and transportation companies , filling stations and franchised stores as well as instant car maintenance outlets .

  8. 不同体育商品(包括体育有形产品和体育无形产品两种)要根据目标消费群体的消费决策心理机制的差异确定相应的和有效的诉求方式。

    Different sport products or commodities ( including sports visible product and sports immaterial product ) should determine their persuasive ways according to the psychic mechanism differences of sport goal consumer communities .

  9. 商业设计是目标消费群体的感受,相对家装而言,商业空间是特定消费群体的共性的需求!

    The commercial design is the feeling of the consuming groups , compares to the home decoration , the commercial space is the demand for the generality of the particular consuming groups !

  10. 立足于服装市场发展的基本理论,以体现人格为理论出发点,从目标消费群体的心理需要分析入手,阐述了中性化服装市场形成和发展的主要原因。

    Based on the fundamental theory of apparel market development and personality , the psychological demands of target consuming group is analyzed . The primary reason of unisex apparel market forming and developing are discussed .

  11. 品牌名称的命名与翻译的最终目的是为商品销售服务,要考虑到目标消费群体的心理需求、文化取向和审美趣味,还要考虑到品牌形象、品牌理念。

    Naming and translation of brand names are merchandise sales - oriented practice , which should take target consumers ` psychological needs , cultural orientation and aesthetic tastes under consider , also brand images and brand concepts .

  12. 任何一则房地产广告都会有最重点的诉求,广告主通过最突出的文字去传达最重要的信息、最核心的观念,以此吸引目标消费群体的注意。

    Any an estate advertisement will have the most key appeal , advertisers will pass the most prominent text to convey the most important information , the core idea , attracting the attention of the target consumption group .

  13. 在以买方市场为主体的房地产市场中,开发商必须找准自身楼盘的定位找准市场目标消费群体,同时,加以正确的营销策略。

    The housing developer , in the market of buyer orientation , must finds its position of building and finds out the objective consumer group in the market , and meanwhile , put right marketing strategy into practice .

  14. 前者倡导由原有呆板营销的媒介转变为交流的、服务的媒介,不断进行对自身个性化的延展,根据不同的目标消费群体因地制宜,进行不同的广告媒介投放。

    The former initiative transforms from the traditional ponderous medium to the exchange , serves media , and continue to develop own personality , in accordance with different consumer groups , to carry on the different advertising medium .

  15. 通过本文研究,从消费者需求出发,通过品牌价值对顾客忠诚的影响模型,验证并找出目标消费群体,合理利用资源,找出一条品牌强企、品牌强国的路子。

    Through this paper , starting from a consumer demand through the brand value of the impact on customer loyalty model , the certification and identify target consumer groups , rational utilization of resources , find a brand-rate , brand power production .