
  • 网络Real Estate Forum;RealEstate
  1. 新华网房地产论坛的一位网民写道,我发现我们自己的生活就像剧中描写的一样,一切都暴露在了阳光下。

    Another commenter on Xinhua 's property forum wrote , I found our own lives depicted in this drama , everything is exposed under the sunlight .

  2. 2010年的时候,有人给任志强提供了美国前总统小布什“享受”过的待遇&当他在大连出席一个房地产论坛时,被扔出的两只鞋打中。

    Someone gave him the George W.Bush treatment in2010 , throwing a pair of shoes at him as he took the stage at a real estate forum in Dalian .