
  • 网络real estate law
  1. 农村房地产法律制度的完善

    On Perfecting the Legal System of the Rural Real Estate

  2. 提出完善房地产法律制度的构想。

    Put forward the idea of improving the legal system of real estate .

  3. 上海市房地产法律制度借鉴的研究

    Research on the Estate Legal System in Shanghai

  4. 代律师的专业特长是房地产法律事务、金融证券与保险。

    Lawyer Dai is an expert in real estate , financing , securities and insurance .

  5. 房地产法律权益不清晰,没有房地产中央登记处。

    Legal rights to property were not clear and there was no central registry of property .

  6. 次贷危机是人治的危机其直接原因是房地产法律论证程序的缺失。

    The shortage of legal approval process for real estate is the direct reason to subprime lending crisis , which is a human governing crisis .

  7. 文章旨在通过对上海市房地产法律制度进行深入具体的借鉴比较研究,为我国其它地区房地产经济的发展提供参考。

    This article intends to conduct a profound analysis of the estate legal system in Shanghai , and provides some reference basis for the development of estate economy in other parts of China .

  8. 通过解读相关法条并分析房地产法律规范的立法目的,商品房交付条件的规定应定性为强行性规定。

    By unscrambling of related provisions and analyzing the legislative purpose of legal norm on real estate industry , the regulations on the delivery conditions of commercial residential building are identified as mandatory provisions .

  9. 房地产登记法律制度研究

    The Research on the Registration System of Real Estate

  10. 第一部分房地产税收法律制度的一般分析。

    The first part is about the general analysis to real estate taxation law system .

  11. 其次,阐述了我国房地产税收法律制度的体系和立法现状。

    Secondly , the author expounds Chinese real estate tax law system and status legislation system .

  12. 第二部分境外房地产税收法律制度对我国的借鉴。

    The second part is about our reference from real estate tax law system beyond the boundaries .

  13. 房地产之法律思索

    Legal Reflection of Real Property

  14. 因此,完善我国现行房地产税收法律制度就显得刻不容缓。

    Therefore , it is in a good need to perfect our current real estate taxation law system .

  15. 中、澳外资房地产收购法律监管比较

    A Comparative Analysis of the legal Supervision on Foreign Capitals ' Purchasing Real Estate between China and Australia

  16. 但在中国,所有的房地产在法律意义上是一种长期租赁。

    But in China , all of the real estate in the legal sense is a long-term lease .

  17. 首先,笔者对我国香港特别行政区、台湾地区和部分外国房地产税收法律制度进行了介绍;其次,笔者就境外房地产税收法律制度对我国的借鉴进行了分析和阐述。

    Firstly , I introduce real estate tax law system of Hong Kong and Taiwan and some foreign countries .

  18. 笔者主要对境外房地产税收法律制度及其对我国的借鉴进行了阐述。

    This part mainly sets forth real estate tax law system beyond the boundaries and its reference to our China .

  19. 我国房地产税收法律制度是随着我国经济体制改革尤其是税收制度的变革而逐步形成的。

    Chinese real estate tax law system is formed with the development of our economy and the reformation of taxation system .

  20. 房地产和法律行业迅速行动起来,声称背景审查不切实际,且会损害经济。

    The real estate and legal professions sprang into action , arguing that background checks were impractical and would hurt the economy .

  21. 从历史的角度适当阐述英国法可以帮助我们更好的认识和理解美国的现行房地产交易法律制度。

    Therefore , discussing English law from the historical perspective can help us understand the current real estate transaction legal institutions in the US .

  22. 鉴于此,笔者就房地产税收法律制度的相关问题进行研究实属必要。

    Therefore , it 's in great need for the author to make relative study on the topic of the real estate tax legislation .

  23. 英美法和大陆法是当今世界的二大主要法律体系,本文研究的是英美法中的美国的房地产交易法律制度。

    The Anglo-American law and the continental law are the two major legal systems in the world today . This article studies on US real estate transaction law .

  24. 也只有通过合理的房地产税收法律制度的确立,才能保证房地产市场的法治化。

    As far as the current situation is concerned , the real estate market is developing rapidly , but the law system of real estate tax has faultmesses .

  25. 第五章是本文重中之重,主要阐述了完善我国房地产税收法律制度的建议。

    The fifth chapter : this is the key chapter of the article where the author puts forward the suggestion on reforming and perfecting the real estate tax law system .

  26. 而房地产税收法律制度对房地产经济运行起到保障和促进作用,因而,完善的房地产税收法律制度是一国房地产经济发展的关键。

    So the real estate is of very importance to national economy . And the law system of real estate tax can guarantee and promote the development of real estate . So a perfect real estate tax legislation is the key of the development of real estate industry .

  27. 第二章、房地产投资信托法律制度(REITs)之设立机制。

    Chapter Two discusses the establishment mechanism of REITs .

  28. 房地产按揭权法律性质探析

    A Probe into Legal Natures of Mortgage on Real Estate

  29. 房地产专业《法律基础》课教学改革探讨

    Probing into Teaching Reform of Legal Elementary Knowledge for Real Estate Speciality

  30. 中美房地产投资信托法律比较

    Comparative Studies on the Chinese and American Real Estate Investment Trust Law