
  • 网络Brand Hong Kong;Brand HK
  1. 我们需要加强对设计及创新发展的支援,以促进本港的产品设计活动,进一步发展香港品牌。

    To encourage more product design activities in Hong Kong and further promote Hong Kong brand names , we need to strengthen our support for design and innovation .

  2. 香港G.O.D品牌展示设计

    Brand Promotion Design for G.O.D in Hong Kong

  3. 香港珠宝品牌Carnet的所有者兼设计师米歇尔·翁(MichelleOng)说,为了设计一枚花朵形状的胸针,以及一条缀着葫芦形状黄色硬玉的钻石项链,她花费几年时间收集形状大小合适的玉石。

    Michelle Ong , the owner and designer of the Hong Kong jewelry brand Carnet , said it took her several years to collect jade in the right size and shape for a floral-design brooch and a necklace of diamonds and gourd-shaped yellow jadeite .

  4. 作为彰显该领域困境的一个例子,在证交所上市的香港时装品牌u-right于去年10月宣告破产,成为本轮经济衰退最早、最引人注目的受害者。

    Underlining the difficulties in that segment , one of the earliest and most high-profile victims of the economic downturn was U-Right , a listed Hong Kong fashion brand that went bankrupt last October .

  5. 已于演员兼歌手黎明成婚的乐基儿现身香港某品牌的推广活动,她表示谣传让她很是心烦。

    Lok , who is married to singer and actor Leon Lai , turned up at a promotional event in Hong Kong and complained about the gossip .

  6. 源自香港第一品牌电气,与科技、环保、低碳的节能产品荣誉全球。

    Coming from First Brand Electrical of Hongkong , the international famous brand " DJL " is well known worldwide because it is a energy-saving product of technology , environmental protection and low carbon .

  7. 那些香港本地时装品牌你曾浏览过?

    Which Hong Kong local Fashion brands do you ever participated ?

  8. 你认为佐丹奴是香港有名的品牌吗?

    Did you think Giordano is a well-known brand in Hong Kong ?

  9. 调查发现,消费者对深圳珠宝与香港珠宝的品牌原产地形象评价具有较大差异,前者明显低于后者,有必要建设深圳珠宝区域品牌来提升其品牌原产地形象,从而促进深圳珠宝产业的发展。

    The survey found that jewelry origin image of consumers on the Shenzhen and Hong Kong jewelry brand has a quite different . The former was significantly lower than the latter , so there is need to build " Shenzhen jewelry " regional brand to promote its brand image origin .

  10. 在香港上市的时装品牌公司思捷环球(esprit)近几年明显缺乏活力,随着其传统市场西欧后继乏力,它正将业务重心转向中国。

    Esprit , the Hong Kong-listed fashion brand that has suffered a distinct absence of joie de vivre in recent years , is turning its focus to China as its traditional markets in Western Europe run out of steam .

  11. 香港奥美集团在品牌管理方面拥有深厚传统,以全方位行销传播理念管理品牌。

    With a deep heritage in brands , Ogilvy adopts a holistic approach to brand communication .

  12. 为了节省出租车费,凯蒂猫还可以在香港地铁使用自主品牌的磁卡。

    To save on taxi fares , Hello Kitty can use her own branded swipe card on the Hong Kong Metro .

  13. 本月上旬,博柏利公布的销售额好于预期,主要得益于中国内地和香港对这个奢侈品牌的标志性手袋和2000多美元的双排扣外套需求旺盛。

    On Wednesday , the British fashion house reported better-than-expected sales , thanks largely to strong demand in China and Hong Kong for handbags and the $ 2,000-plus trench coats the luxury brand is famous for .

  14. 目前,莎莎是香港最著名的品牌之一,并于2006年赢得了“国内最受欢迎品牌”和“中国大陆最受欢迎的香港品牌”两大奖项。

    Sa Sa is now one of the most distinguished Hong Kong brands and has won the " Most Favourable Brands of the Nation " award and " The PRC Most Favourable Hong Kong Brands " award in2006 .

  15. 随着内地经济的飞跃发展,内地与香港的经济进一步融合,越来越多的内地企业争取在香港建立品牌。

    With the rapid development in mainland economy and further integration with mainland and Hong Kong economy , more and more mainland enterprises strive for setting up brands in Hong Kong .