
  • 网络Hong Kong Arts Development Council;HKADC
  1. 策略发展委员会〔香港艺术发展局〕

    Strategic Development Board [ Hong Kong Arts Development Council ]

  2. 文学艺术小组委员会〔香港艺术发展局〕

    Literary Arts Committee [ Hong Kong Arts Development Council ]

  3. 三年资助计划〔香港艺术发展局〕

    Three-Year Grant [ Hong Kong Arts Development Council ]

  4. 我安装了香港艺术发展局-1,在前进的世台会,它会自动控制船头飞机时启动。

    I installed the ADC-1 in the forward WTC , and it will automatically control the bow planes when activated .

  5. 扩大艺术接触面〔香港艺术发展局〕香港康体发展局及香港艺术发展局的委员人数均有所增加。

    Access [ Hong Kong Arts Development Council ] The membership of the Sports Development Board and the Arts Development Council has been expanded .

  6. 黄氏于2010年获香港艺术发展局授予年度艺术家奖,2003年香港艺术新进奖及优秀艺术教育奖项。

    Kacey was born in Hong Kong in1970.He was the winner of Best Artist Award in2010 , Rising Artist Award and Outstanding Arts Education Award given by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in2003 .

  7. 香港康体发展局及香港艺术发展局的委员人数均有所增加。

    The membership of the Sports Development Board and the Arts Development Council has been expanded .