
  • 网络employees retraining board;ERB
  1. 该局亦协助雇员再培训局,为工人开办再培训课程。

    The authority also helps the Employees Retraining Board with retraining programmes for workers .

  2. 雇员再培训局行政总监

    " Executive director , employees retraining board "

  3. 课程发展委员会〔雇员再培训局〕

    Course Development Committee [ Employees ' Retraining Board ]

  4. 雇员再培训局为因经济转型而失业的工人开办训练课程,让这些工人学习新技术,重新就业。

    The Employees Retraining Board equips workers displaced in the economic restructuring with new skills for alternative employment .

  5. 雇员再培训局的成员包括政府、雇主、雇员、培训机构及人力资源专业人员的代表。

    The Employees Retraining Board ( ERB ) consists of a governing body comprising representatives from the Government , employers , employees , training institutions and human resource professionals .

  6. 雇员分配额(指政府为企业单位等规定的雇员中各种人的比额)此外,雇员再培训局在一九九九年共提供超过77000个学额,比一九九八年增加了24%。

    In addition , the Employees Retraining Board has offered over 77 000 training places in 1999 , representing an increase of 24 per cent over that of 1998 .