
  1. 在环保、社区发展、维权、公益诉讼等领域的活跃人士,包括NGO人员、一线记者、编辑、律师等。

    The participants must be active in the environmental , community development , public welfare media or legal areas , including NGOs , reporters , editors , and lawyers .

  2. 举个例子,派克斯世界基金,总部设在新罕布什尔州的朴次茅斯,说它只投资于那些“尊重员工,尊重环保,尊重社区”的公司。

    For example , Pax World Fund , based in Portsmouth , New Hampshire , says it invests only in companies " that treat their employees , their environment , and their communities with respect " .

  3. 民间环保组织与生态社区建设

    Environmental Non-Government Organizations and Eco-Community Construction