
  1. 将CPS植入智能建筑室内测控系统中,设定环境舒适度、火灾检测和能耗三个形式背景,以室内舒适度为例,建立了模糊概念格背景规则数据库。

    CPS implantation intelligent the building indoor monitoring and control system , set the environmental comfort , fire detection and energy consumption of the three forms of background , indoor comfort , for example , the establishment of a fuzzy concept lattice background rules database .

  2. 动态舒适度控制是智能居住环境舒适度控制策略的发展方向。

    Dynamic comfort control is a developing direction of comfort control strategy for intelligent inhabited environment .

  3. 中央空调系统在满足人们对环境舒适度要求的同时浪费了大量的能源。

    Central air conditioning system has meet the requirements of environmental comfort , while wasting a lot of energy .

  4. 该系统能实时检测室内环境舒适度综合状况,从而给控制系统提供相应的控制依据。

    The system can monitor the overall indexing of indoor air comfort degree quality , and direct the controlling system .

  5. 柔和空调系统是以更低的能量消耗来达到更高的室内环境舒适度的空调系统,其发展备受瞩目。

    Soft Air Conditioning systems , characterized by its lower energy consumption and higher comfortable level , have received more and more attention .

  6. 建筑围护结构中采用相变材料可以有效地解决室内环境舒适度、节能和环保三方面平衡问题。

    By applying phase-change materials ( PCM ) in building envelopes , a balance among indoor comfort degree , energy-saving and environmental protection can be effectively achieved .

  7. 随着铁路客车高速化、舒适化的发展,车厢内部的空气质量、环境舒适度越来越受到人们的关注。

    As the railway passenger car are designed towards high-speed and comfort , the air quality and environmental comfort inside cabin have been paid more and more attention .

  8. 随着居民生活水平的进步,对居住环境舒适度的要求越来越高,导致浪费能源的情况比较严重。

    With the resident living standard improving , the high demand for comfort of the living environment is increasing , which leads to a serious waste of energy .

  9. 同时随着市民生活水平提高,对室外热环境舒适度、空气质量等的要求也越来越高。

    At the same time , the request of the comfortable degree outdoor thermal environment and air quality is more and more high with standard of living of our citizens improved .

  10. 当前,国内研究文献中提到的环境舒适度通常指的是气候舒适度,它所涉及的环境因素范围狭窄,无法全面客观地反映整个环境系统的舒适程度。

    Presently , environmental amenity mentioned in domestic research literatures usually denotes climate amenity , which the scope of environmental factors referred to is narrow and unable to reflect the comfortable condition of the entire environmental system comprehensively and objectively .

  11. 集合住宅由于其高度密集、空间封闭和工业化建造等特征,使得阳台对于打破封闭、提高居住环境舒适度以及满足精神和心理的需求具有特别重要的意义。

    Because the multifamily housing is highly crowded , spatial seal and industrialization construction , these cause the balcony regarding to break the seal , and enhancing living environment as well as spiritual and psychological demand have specially vital significance .

  12. 文中认为人文生态建筑是符合人对环境舒适度的要求,是表达人文精神、城市内涵和场所精神的方式,符合历史地段、人文景观的保护,是具有地域特色的可持续发展建筑。

    It is concluded that : humanistic arcology is sustainable development architecture with the regional characteristic , which accords with the requirements of the environmental comfort , expresses the humanistic spirit , city character and place spirit , agrees with the historic zone and the protection of humanistic landscape .

  13. 基于GIS的人居环境气候舒适度评价&以河南省为例

    The Comfortable Degree Evaluation of Human Settlements Based on GIS & A Case of Henan Province

  14. 为了成功地继续企业的战略,PSA正在环境、舒适度和安全等领域进行创新。

    To successfully continue the corporate strategy , PSA is pursuing innovative principles in the areas of environment , comfort and safety .

  15. 而在这3A系统中,BAS是最重要的一个子系统,其自动化程度的高低直接关系到整个智能建筑物运行的好坏、环境的舒适度以及营造大厦的经济回报。

    The automation degree of BAS has a direct relation with the operation of the whole intellectual building , the comfort degree and the economic return of the building cost .

  16. 本文利用人工神经网络技术,建立了室内环境热舒适度(PMV指标)智能预测器,实现了PMV指标的智能化预测,从而解决了实现基于PMV指标的中央空调系统实时控制的关键问题。

    An intelligent predictor of PMV index has been built by the use of artificial neural network technology , the intelligent prediction of PMV index is realized , and the key problem for the implementation of central air-conditioning real-time control based on PMV index is solved .

  17. 在满足热舒适度的前题下全面提高室内环境的舒适度

    Improving Comfortable Degree Of Indoor Environment At The Precondition Of Thermal Comfortable Degree

  18. 文中介绍国外高速旅客列车车厢内空气环境的舒适度以及对车厢的空气净化提出要求。

    The article introduces the comfortability of microclimate and the requirement of air cleaning in carriage .

  19. 高效利用可再生清洁的地热能、提高人居环境的舒适度并实现节能环保是本课题研究的主要目的。

    The purpose of this essay is to use the renewable and clean geotherm energy effectively , enhance the comfort of habitable environment , and achieve environmental conservation .

  20. 长期以来,节能的研究主要集中在城市住宅,而涉及到农村住宅的节能研究并不多,研究室内热环境的舒适度也不多。

    Over the years , mainly focused on energy-saving urban housing , but involved the saving of rural housing is not much comfort laboratory thermal environment does not have many .

  21. 目前大多数教学建筑仍然依靠风扇或空调和人工照明来提高室内环境的舒适度,这样的建筑运行模式常常以大量的能源消耗为代价。

    At present , most of teaching buildings still relies on the fan or air-conditioning and artificial lighting to improve the indoor environment comfort , which results in a lot of energy consumption .

  22. 基于动态热环境的舒适度指标和能耗指标,考虑到室外环境对室内环境的影响,建立了室内环境动态舒适度最优控制模型。

    An optimal control model is built based on comfort index and energy index of dynamic thermal comfort . And the effect of outdoor environment on indoor environment is also considered in the optimal control model .

  23. 滨水区是城市绿地系统中的一个重要构成部分,对提高城市人居环境的舒适度,改善自然环境,增强城市形象等方面都起着重要作用。

    Waterfront is an important component of urban green space system , plays an important role to improve the urban human settlement environment of comfort , improve the natural environment , and enhance the image of the city .

  24. 造成的原因主要有三方面:首先,人们对室内热环境和舒适度要求越来越高;其次,在建筑方案设计、建筑构造、设备等方面的设计不合理。

    The main reason there are three areas : First of all , people have indoor thermal comfort requirements of the environment and increasing Secondly , in the construction programme design , building construction , equipment and other aspects of the design unreasonable .

  25. 提高列车环境的舒适度是增强铁路客运竞争力的有效手段,富有魅力的车内色彩环境氛围与客车的吸引力、旅客的舒适度密切相关。

    Improving the environmental comfort of the train is an effective means to enhance the competitiveness of rail passenger transportation , and the attractiveness of charming colors of the interior environment of the train is closely related to inner ambience and passenger comfort .

  26. 讨论如何通过合理的设计,改善和提高外墙对风、光、热的有效利用率,提高室内使用环境的舒适度,降低建筑能耗。

    The essay discusses how to make the appropriate designs to improve the efficiency of the exterior wall getting used of the wind , light and thermal , to make the indoor space more comfortable as well as to reduce the consume of the energy .

  27. 城市固体废物的迅速增长给世界上许多地区的社会经济,人类健康,社区环境和舒适度带来了压力,并对环境质量和可持续发展提出了严峻的挑战。

    Municipal solid waste ( MSW ) generation and management issues have increasing bearing on the socio-economic , human health , aesthetics and amenity of many communities , states and nations around the world , which poses a challenge with regard to environmental quality and sustainable development .

  28. 随着国家节能政策的贯彻及人们对室内热环境、舒适度要求的不断提高,外墙外保温系统在建筑节能中被广泛采用,做好墙体、地面等保温隔热在建筑工程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    With the national energy saving policy 's carrying out and people 's demands of thermal environment and comfort indoor , the external wall thermal insulation system is widely adopted in building energy conservation . So the thermal insulation of wall and ground play an important action in construction engineering .

  29. 室内环境监测与舒适度评判系统研究

    Research of Indoor Environment Monitoring & Comfort Degree Valuating System

  30. 在4月和10月,绿化不能明显增加居住区环境的人体舒适度。

    The residential district green space could not improve comfort in April and December .