
  1. 分析资源枯竭城市软环境现状,并通过对软环境培养机制的研究,构建一个包括政策支持、法律支持、金融支持和社会化服务支持的基本支持体系。

    Analysis the present situation of resource-exhausted cities , the article have established a basic supporting system including policy supporting system , law supporting system , finance supporting system and social service system through study on foster mechanism of soft environment .

  2. 本文通过对比东北地区和我国东南沿海地区城市在软环境建设方面的差距,分析了软环境的重要意义及东北地区城市软环境建设需加强的几个重要方面。

    The paper analyses the important meaning of the software-environment by comparing the distance in the urban software-environment between the northeast China and the coastal regions of the southeast China and several important parts needing to be strengthened in the construction of the urban software-environment in the northeast China .

  3. 结合目前我国城市的居住软环境实际情况,分析了亲情社区建设过程中物业管理尚存在的一系列问题。

    According the status of our urban residential soft environment , analyzed aseries of problems of property management during building amicable community .

  4. 为此,必须贯彻以人为本的经营理念,塑造具有文化内涵和特色的城市形象,提高经营者素质,营造城市发展软环境。

    So , it is necessary to carry through the management idea of taking man as foundation , mold city figure with cultural content and features enhance the quality of the managers , build the soft environment for the development of city .

  5. 因此,要以东北振兴为契机,在提高城市化质量、完善城市体系和优化城市发展软环境过程中,推进人口城市化进程。

    Therefore , the population urbanization development should be pushed forward in the background of revitalization of the old industrial bases in Northeast China , with the emphasis on improving the quality of urbanization and urban system during the process of strengthening the soft environment .

  6. 最后是城市旅游与文化的经营,这也正是提升城市竞争力软环境的重要组成部分。

    CULTURE t for C. t culture . The last is the management about urban tourism and culture .