
  • 网络city boundary;urban boundary;City Borders
  1. 城市边界层动量和保守物通量的特征

    Characteristics of Momentum and Scalar Flux in the Urban Boundary Layer

  2. 人为热对城市边界层结构影响研究

    The Impact of Anthropogenic Heat on Urban Boundary Layer Structure

  3. 基于MODIS数据的城市边界监测方法及其比较

    Comparison of City Area Detection Methods Based on MODIS Data

  4. 北京城市边界层热岛的日变化周期模拟

    Simulation of daily cycle of boundary layer heat island in Beijing

  5. 城市边界层大气扩散规律的研究

    Study of atmospheric diffusion in urban and suburb boundary layers

  6. 城市边界层气象条件对O3浓度垂直分布的影响

    Effect of Meteorological Factors on O_3 concentration Vertical Distribution in Boundary Layer

  7. 精细城市边界层模式的建立及应用研究

    Development and applications of a fine urban boundary layer model

  8. 冬季城市边界层风场和温度场结构分析

    An analysis on flow and temperature structure of wintertime urban boundary layer

  9. 国家奥林匹克体育中心城市边界区域形态研究

    Managing the Boundary Region Form of National Olympic Sports Center in Beijing

  10. 下垫面对郑州城市边界层风的影响

    The Influence of Zhengzhou City on Boundary Layer Wind

  11. 局地相似性关系在城市边界层中的适用性验证

    Validation of the Local Similarity in Urban Boundary Layer

  12. 大风天气下北京城市边界层阵风结构特征

    Characteristic of the Urban Boundary Layer Under Strong Wind Condition in Beijing City

  13. 雾对城市边界层和城市环境的影响

    Effect of fog on urban boundary layer and environment

  14. 北京冬季城市边界层结构形成机制的初步数值研究

    Simulation study of formation mechanism of winter urban boundary layer structure over Beijing area

  15. 北京稳定天气条件下城市边界层环流特征数值研究

    Numerical Study of Circulation Characteristics in Urban Boundary Layer in Stable Weather in Beijing

  16. 双重作用面下夜间城市边界层的数值研究

    The numerical simulation of urban boundary layer in the night with double action surface

  17. 北京城市边界层低空风切变的统计分析

    A statistical Study of Wind Shear in Tower Layer over Beijing urban boundary layer

  18. 开始大规模的穿过城市边界。

    Began moving in force across city limits .

  19. 在北京气象铁塔上测量城市边界层辐射的研究

    Study on Measurement of Urban Boundary Layer Radiation on the Meteorological Tower in Beijing

  20. 北京城市边界层低层湍流动力结构及其影响特征

    Characteristics of Urban Boundary Lower Layer Turbulence Dynamical Structure and Its Effects in Beijing

  21. 基于数据挖掘的城市边界扩展预测&以烟台市区为例

    The simulation of urban boundary expansion based on data mining-A case study in Yantai city

  22. 烟雾层的存在增加了城市边界层的稳定性。

    The existence of the smog layer increases the stability of the urban boundary layer .

  23. 结果表明,这些气象要素的分布对城市边界层高度的垂直分布及其逐时变化有明显影响。

    On the vertical distributions of the boundary layer and its variations hourly are obvious .

  24. 城市边界层大气环境领域问题的研究方法和模式系统

    Investigation method and model system in the field of urban boundary layer and atmospheric environment

  25. 人为热源对城市边界层结构影响的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of the impacts of anthropogenic heat on the structure of the urban boundary layer

  26. 城市边界层数值模式研究以及在香港地区复杂地形下的应用

    A Study of the Urban Boundary Layer Model and Its Application in the Hong Kong Area

  27. 城市边界层过程在北京2004年7月10日局地暴雨过程中的作用

    The Role of Urban Boundary Layer in Local Convective Torrential Rain Happening in Beijing on 10 July 2004

  28. 7.10局地暴雨的启动机制及城市边界层的作用

    The Trigger Mechanism of " 7.10 " Local Convective Intense Rainfall And the Role of Urban Boundary Layer

  29. 在研究城市边界层中的低空风切变时,应该把整个塔层作为研究对象。

    When studying Wind Shear of the urban boundary layer , we should take the whole tower layer as the target .

  30. 模式能很好地模拟出在高云和气溶胶辐射效应下城市边界层的特征。

    The model can present the character of urban boundary layer under the influence of high cloud and aerosol radiative effect .