
  • 网络Green Building Materials
  1. “金海鑫龙”从保护环境理念出发,以人为本,打造绿色环保建材,为人们提供高品质生活,创造健康的生活空间。

    " Gimhae Xinlong " starting from the concept of protection of the environment , people-centered , green building materials , providing high-quality life , and create a healthy living space .

  2. 绿色环保建材专用PVC树脂的研究与生产

    Study and production of special-purpose PVC resin for building materials of environment protection

  3. 也是集可靠性、安全性、经济性于一身的新型绿色环保建材。

    It is not only the best choice for the building industry at the moment , but also a reliable , safe , economical and new green tech-building materials .

  4. 本公司是一家专业生产人造石透光板的大型企业。其产品具有透光效果好、纹路自然、耐酸、耐碱、无辐射、无污染、无毒害的环保建材产品。

    We are specialized in manmade marble , which can let sufficient light go through , with nature texture , acid and alkali resistance , no radiation , no pollution , no toxicity .

  5. 积极发展网络购物等新型消费业态。支持引导环保建材、节水洁具、节能汽车等绿色消费。扩大消费信贷。

    We will actively develop new forms of consumption such as online shopping ; support and guide the consumption of green goods such as environmentally friendly building materials , water-saving sanitation products , and energy-efficient vehicles ; and expand consumer credit .

  6. 呼唤环保型建材促进住宅建筑可持续发展

    Appeal For Environmental-friendly Building Materials , Promote the Sustainable Development

  7. 冷弯型钢是一种截面形状合理、力学性能良好、钢材利用率高的环保型建材。

    Roll formed shape is an environmental protective building material with reasonable section shape , good mechanical property and high utilization of steel .

  8. 通过不同方法对粘土进行改性,最大程度地利用其优异性能,可应用于环保、建材及医药等领域中。

    Being modified with various methods , clays are greatly developed and used in pollution treatments , construction materials and medicines and so on .

  9. 但就在商品混凝土取代传统拌合砂浆掀起一次变革之际,又一种新型环保型建材&商品砂浆正在走入市场,成为新宠。

    In the course of commercial concrete replacing the traditional mixing mortar an new type environmental construction material-commercial mortar appear in market and become a new trend .

  10. 就环保型建材议题,分析建筑材料污染的原因,提出相关建议,包括说明发展环保型建材的必要性、合理选择和使用环保型建材的方法、实现建筑可持续发展目标的途径等。

    Based on environmentally - friendly building materials , this paper analyzes the cause of pollution by building materials , puts forward some relevant suggestions , including the necessity , rational selection and the usage of such materials , in order that sustainable development can be realized .

  11. 新型环保、节能建材&水泥木丝板

    A New Environment-friendly , Energy-saving Building Material-Cement Wooden Board

  12. 一.秉承以客户的长远利益为出发点,为客户提供最优质的环保、色建材!

    Continue to keep up the long-term interests of our customers and to provide their customers with the best quality of the environment conservation and green building materials .

  13. 该产品是符合环保要求的绿色建材,市场前景广阔。

    These products are green building materials , and have broad market prospects .

  14. 环保、冶金及建材行业余热利用中的热交换器,常因管内污垢系数上升、换热面粘附粉尘而失效。

    Heat exchanger in the heat reuse of environmental protection , metallurgy and construction materials often loses effectiveness because of the increased dirt coefficient .

  15. 构建以高新技术工业、绿色农业、生态旅游业和环保节能型建筑建材房地产业为支柱的首都水源区经济体系;

    Building economic system of capital water head with new high technology industry , green agriculture , ecological tourism and environmental protection , saving energy building and its material real estate ;