
  • 网络Insurance Advisor;insurance consultant
  1. 所有的慈善组织都忧心忡忡,因为它们都损失了一大笔钱,理查德•伯恩斯坦(RichardBernstein)表示。他是棕榈滩高净收益人群和慈善组织的保险顾问。

    All the charities are worried , because they 've lost so much money , said Richard Bernstein , a Palm Beach insurance adviser to high-net-worth people and charitable organisations .

  2. 经咨询保险顾问,他选择了一种适合自己的险种。

    Consulting with an insurance adviser , he picks an insurance plan to fit his new circumstances .

  3. 然后,为了给他发最终的电子版文件,保险顾问问他要电子邮件。

    Then the adviser asks him for his email address in order to send the final documents electronically .

  4. 讲者为大学保健处健康教育主任简阮美妍女士及怡和保险顾问有限公司客户经理周霭萍女士。

    The speakers of the briefing were Mrs Pauline Kan , Health Education Officer , University Health Service and Ms Angela Chow , Account Manager , Jardine Lloyd Thompson Ltd.

  5. 我们还必须改变决策过程,使政策能跟上动态医疗市场的步伐,例如加强联邦医疗保险支付顾问委员会(medicarepaymentadvisorycommission)等机构的作用。

    We must also change the process of policymaking so that policy can keep pace with a dynamic health market , for example by expanding the role of bodies such as the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission .

  6. 友邦保险及其顾问正夜以继日地工作,以求在圣诞节前提交申请,一位知情人士说。

    AIA and its advisers are working round the clock to submit the filing before Christmas , said one person familiar with the matter .

  7. 世界银行政治风险保险部门的顾问尚克曼女士说,全球对石油和天然气的饥渴在近期内不会减弱。

    Jill Shankleman , a consultant to the World Bank 's political risk insurance arm , says global hunger for oil and gas will not decrease in the near future .