
  1. 水泥工业节能减排技术及装备的研究进展

    Research Progress in Technology and Equipments of Energy-economize and Contamination-control in Cement Industry

  2. 山西省镁工业节能减排现状与对策研究

    Current Situation of the Energy-saving and Emission-reduction of the Magnesium Industry in Shanxi and Countermeasures

  3. 低碳经济视角下的造纸工业节能减排

    Review on saving energy and reducing discharge of China paper industry in low-carbon economy perspective

  4. 坐便器是陶瓷工业节能减排、节水环保的重要研究对象。

    Water closet ( WC ) is one of the most important ceramic product that should be taken into consideration in energy-saving and emission reduction .

  5. 阐述了推进中国造纸工业节能减排和结构调整相结合,实现行业可持续发展的意见。

    The paper expounds the opinions on propelling the combination of energy conservation and structural readjustment of China 's paper industry to realize the sustainable development .

  6. 在全球气候变暖、生态环境恶化的时代背景下,钢铁工业节能减排成为当前亟待解决的重点难题。

    Under the background of global warming and environmental deterioration , reducing energy consumption and pollutant emissions becomes a key issue in iron & steel industry .

  7. 电力工业节能减排工作成效最为显著的环节在发电侧和用户侧,其中,发电侧节能减排工作主要是提高能源利用效率和发展清洁能源两项内容,用户侧则是主要依靠需求侧管理。

    In electric power industry , the most important parts of energy saving and emission reduction are generation side and demand side . For generation side , improving energy efficiency and developing clean energy power are two major parts .

  8. 随着《节能发电调度办法(试用)》的出台,构建完善的电力市场交易调度模式以实现电力工业节能减排的目标成为相关学者研究的热点。

    After the state proposed the Trial Measures of Energy-Saving Power Generation Dispatching , how to form a complete and specific electric power market transaction dispatching model to achieve the goal of energy-saving and emission reduction in electric power industry is hotspot of the related research .

  9. 比较了我国原铝生产与世界平均水平的差异,分析了我国铝工业节能减排的潜力以及功能单位原铝与原镁的环境影响特征化结果。

    Based on the inventory , the thesis compared the differences in the primary aluminum production between China and the world average level , and analyzed the potential of energy-saving and emission-reducing and the characterization results of the environmental impact of the functional unit of primary aluminum and primary magnesium .

  10. 以先进的技术装备实现水泥工业的节能减排

    Realize energy saving and emission reduction of cement industry with advanced technical equipment

  11. 优化是流程工业实现节能减排的一项重要技术手段。

    Optimization is a significant technology for process industries to save energy and reduce emissions .

  12. 重大工业工程项目节能减排评估指标体系的构建

    Evaluation index system construction of energy conservation and emission reduction for major industrial engineering projects

  13. 这将给发电企业乃至工业企业的节能减排工作带来新的思维与方法。

    It would bring a new method for power generation enterprises to save energy and reduce emission .

  14. 钢铁行业节能减排对于整个工业领域的节能减排影响巨大。

    The energy saving and emission reduction of steel and iron industry will exert significant influence on the whole industrial circle .

  15. 今年将会讨论十二五计划。专家相信,此次会议将会强调体制改革,工业革新,节能减排和能源节省。

    This year is also the year for discussions of the12th Five-Year Plan , which experts believe will stress restructuring , industrial upgrading , emissions reductions and energy savings .

  16. 论文工作为煤气化炉的结构设计和操作优化提供了理论依据,为我国中小型燃煤工业炉窑的节能减排开辟了新途径。

    The study mentioned above not only is the theoretical foundation for the structural design of gasifier and the optimization of operational parameters , but also brings forward a new way for the energy saving and emission reduction of medium and small-sized coal fired industrial furnaces in China . 1 .

  17. 开发水泥工业新技术争创节能减排新水平

    Develop new technology of cement industry and strive to create new level of energy saving and emission reduction

  18. 镁合金以其优异的性能已被考虑作为潜在的结构材料应用于汽车工业,已到达节能减排作用。

    Magnesium alloys , due to the unique properties , have been considered as promising structure materials to lower weight and energy consumption in automobile industry .

  19. 电力工业的发展,节能减排的加强以及大量中小机组退出电网,大容量火电机组参与调峰运行是提高电网调峰能力的必然趋势。

    With the development of electric power industry , energy conservation and small units out of the grid , it is the trend that the large capacity units take part in load of electric .

  20. 所以发展太阳能锅炉,部分替代工业锅炉,对于工业供热领域的节能减排有着重要的意义。

    Therefore , developing solar energy boiler , then a partial substitute for industrial boilers , is important for the fields of industrial heating energy-saving and emission reduction .

  21. 节能减排就是要节约能源、降低能耗、减少污染物排放,过程工业既是耗能大户也是污染物排放大户,因此,设计合理的用水网络和换热网络对过程工业节能减排至关重要。

    Energy saving and emission reduction is to save energy and reduce energy consumption and reduce emissions . Process industry is not only energy-intense but also is the main pollutant emission .

  22. 钢铁工业作为温室气体排放主要行业之一,无论是从经济可持续发展的角度,还是从履行温室气体减排国际责任的角度考虑,钢铁工业承担节能减排任务责无旁贷。

    Iron and steel industry as one of the major greenhouse gases emitting sectors , both from the perspective of sustainable economic development , or fulfill emission reduction obligations of international duty , steel industry unshirkable responsibility of energy - saving and emission reduction task .