
  • 网络Industrial silicon;silicon metal
  1. 分析了工业硅反应机理、电炉的物料平衡和热平衡,指出工业硅生产工艺过程的限制性环节是SiO与C的反应。

    This paper points out the limiting step of producing silicon metal smelting process is the reaction between SiO and C through analysing the reaction mechanism of silicon metal and the balance of materials and heat on furnaces .

  2. 硅铁和工业硅的氧化脱铝与脱钙

    Remove of Al and Ca in ferrosilicon and silicon metal by oxidation

  3. X荧光能谱法同时测定工业硅中铁铝钙

    Simultanous analysis of Fe Al Ca in silicon metal by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence

  4. 工业硅中杂质Al、Ca、Fe的空气-乙炔火焰AAS法连测

    Continuous determination of impurities al , ca and Fe in industrial silicon by Air-Acetylene Flame AAS

  5. 通过压片法制备样片,用X射线荧光光谱法测量工业硅中铁、铝、钙。

    Fe , Al , Ca in silicon metal were measured by XRF using powder pressed method to prepare the sample .

  6. ICP-AES法测定工业硅中10种杂质元素

    Determination of 10 impurity elements in industrial silicon by ICP-AES

  7. 以工业硅溶胶和炭黑为主要原料,用溶胶-凝胶和碳热还原法合成了SiC晶须。

    SiC whisker was synthesized with industry silicasol and carbon black by sol-gel method and carbothermal reduction reaction .

  8. 以渣-金平衡为基础的硅铁和工业硅氧化精炼脱铝脱钙技术已被证明是生产低Al、Ca硅系合金的有效方法。

    Abstract Silicon-based alloys with low aluminium and calcium contents can be produced effectively by the oxidation refining process based on slag-metal equilibrium .

  9. 给出了本研究中所采用工业硅的要求和太阳电池功率高达14%的P型硅材料中单一杂质的阀值。

    The requirements of raw materials ( MG-Si ) used in this study and the thresholds of single impurity in P-type solar cells up to 14 % efficiency are given in the paper .

  10. 以EDTA为掩蔽剂,可直接测定工业硅中的微量钙。

    The method was directly used to determine Ca in industrial silicon with elimination of other element interference by EDTA .

  11. ICP-AES法同时测定工业硅及多晶硅中铁、铝等六元素

    Simultaneous Determination of Fe , Al , Ca , B , As and P in Industrial Silicon or Multi crystal Silicon by ICP AES

  12. 以氧代氯精炼工业硅的工艺研究

    Technical Study on Silicon Metal Refining with Oxygen Instead of Chlorine

  13. 分光光度法测定工业硅中铁、铝

    Determining Fe and Al in Industrial Silicon by Means of Spectrophotometry

  14. 工业硅电炉短网节能设计浅探

    Simple probe to design of busbar for silicon metal electric furnace

  15. 氧气底吹精炼工业硅的试验研究

    Experimental study on silicon metal refining by oxygen bottom blowing

  16. 应用微量火焰原子吸收技术测定工业硅中铅

    Determination of Lead in Industrial Silicon by Microamount Flame Atomic Absorption Technique

  17. 工业硅中杂质铁去除的理论分析

    Theoretical Considerations of Removal of Iron Impurity in Commercial Silicon

  18. 工业硅炉正常运行的失调及消除方法

    Abnormality in silicon metal furnace operation and its handling method

  19. 大规格炭电极在工业硅炉上的应用研究

    On Application of large size carbon electrodes in industry silicon

  20. 碳化硅砖在工业硅电炉出铁口上的应用

    Application of SiC brick in silicon metal furnace taphole

  21. 工业硅电炉烟气净化工艺的研制过程简介

    Brief introduction of the development of fume scrubbing process for industrial silicon furnace

  22. 工业硅熔炼过程中的节能措施

    Measures for energy conservation in industrial silicon smelting process

  23. 微机在工业硅冶炼中的应用&自动控制配料系统

    An Application of Microcomputer in Industrial Silicon Smelting Burden System of Automatic Control

  24. 工业硅生产中炉料移动区坩埚的形成与反应

    Formation and Reaction of Crucible at Material Shifting Zone in Industrial Silicon Production

  25. 工业硅中钛、磷的测定

    Determination of Titanium and Phosphorus Content in Silicon Metal

  26. 利用纯氧精炼工业硅的生产实践

    Practice for refining industrial grade silicon by oxygen injection

  27. 论工业硅生产的烟气净化

    Discussion on the fume scrubbing in industrial silicon production

  28. 硅铁电炉转炼工业硅电炉参数的选择及效果

    Choice and effect of furnace parameters in transforming ferrosilicon furnace into industrial silicon furnace

  29. 调速风机在工业硅生产布袋除尘系统中应用的探讨

    Discussion on Application of adjustable speed fan in silicon metal smelting baghouse cleaning system

  30. 以煤替代木炭生产工业硅

    Producing metal silicon with coal instead of charcoal