
  1. 随着电子商务的发展,工商登记代理企业的B2G电子商务在我国也开始出现、发展。

    With the development of the electronic commerce , the industrial and commerce registration agent of the B2G appeared and began to develop .

  2. 中欧投资顾问有限公司是一家专业从事工商税务代理公司。

    Is a professional company engaged in industrial and commercial tax agent .

  3. 首先,工商登记代理行业是一个与政府职能部门密切相关的特殊中介行业,主营业务内容是帮助各类型企业或个体工商户办理开业登记、变更、年检、注销等工商登记手续。

    The field of the industrial and commerce registration agent is a special service industry .