
  1. 论我国海域使用管理及其法律制度

    On China 's Sea Area Use Management and Its Legal Regime

  2. 海域使用管理信息系统的建立

    Construction of management information system of the sea area use

  3. 海域使用管理开始步入法制化轨道。

    Work began to make the use and management of sea areas more law-based .

  4. 海域使用管理的理论与实践研究

    The Analysis on the Theory and Practice of the Management of the Sea Area Usage

  5. 海域使用管理法研究

    Sea Area Utilization Management Law Study

  6. 海洋功能区划制度是我国海域使用管理的一项基本制度。

    Division of marine functional zonation system is our country sea area use management basic system .

  7. 完善海域使用管理法律制度;

    It will perfect the legal system pertaining to the use and administration of sea areas ;

  8. 从海洋综合管理的视角完善海域使用管理&基于舟山海域的实证考察

    Improving marine area management in the perspective of integrated management & A case study in Zhoushan marine area

  9. 《海域使用管理法》未对海域使用权进行定义,从学术角度对它进行定义。

    " maritime space use administration law " has not defined maritime right of use , has defined it from the academic angle .

  10. 海域使用管理开始步入法制化轨道。海河流域与墨累-达令流域管理比较研究

    Work began to make the management of sea areas more law-based . Comparison of the Basin Management between the Murray-Darling Basin and Haihe River Basin

  11. 本文是作者根据多年来从事海域使用管理实践,力争完成的初步的理论总结。

    This paper is a preliminary theoretical summary by the author on the basis of her practice in engaging in the sea area use management for many years .

  12. 《海域使用管理法》的颁布和实施为海洋资源的使用和管理提供了法律依据。

    The promulgation and implement of The Law of the P.R.C.on Administration of the Use of Sea Areas provide the legal basis for exploitation and management of the sea resources .

  13. 经批准、公布的海洋功能区划具有很高的法律地位,是开展海域使用管理和海洋环境保护的法律依据。

    The division of marine functional zonation that is authorized and publicized is of much higher legal status , and constitutes the law basis of developing ocean and conserving ocean environment .

  14. 海域使用管理是我国近期建立的一项海洋管理制度。该制度既有其强烈的实践需要基础,也有其较为广泛的、综合的理论领域。

    Sea area use management is a marine regulatory regime China has established recently , which has both a solid base out of practical needs , and more extensive and integrated theoretical areas .

  15. 海洋功能区划是发展海洋经济、保护海洋环境、保障海洋权益的重要依据,是开展海域使用管理工作的标准。

    Marine Functional Zoning is an important basis for developing marine economy , protecting marine environment and protecting marine rights and interests , it is also the standard of carrying out management of sea use .

  16. 本章重点对海域使用管理的现状及问题的分析,发现海域使用管理的实践情况及立法现存的问题。

    This chapter focuses on the analysis of the situations and problems on the use and administration of Sea Area , found that there are some issues on the practice and existing legislation of the use and administration of Sea Area .

  17. 本文基于对我国海域使用管理制度理论、实践与立法的关切,从民法角度特别是运用物权法理论对作为该制度核心的海域使用权制度作了系统研究。

    This article is to systematically explore the Right of Using Sea Area ( RUSA ) - the core conception in the management system of using sea area , from the point of view of civil law especially the Real Right theory .

  18. 福建省海域使用综合管理信息系统建设和海洋管理信息化

    Management Information System for Use in Sea Area of FuJian and Construction of Oceanic Management Information System

  19. 海域使用时空数据管理模式研究

    Research on the Spatio-temporal Data Management Model of the Sea Area Use

  20. 不断完善海洋功能区划和规划,加强海洋开发和保护以及海域使用的科学管理;

    China will continue to improve its marine function zoning and planning and strengthen the scientific management of marine development and protection , as well as the utilization of sea areas .

  21. 为了实现海域使用的规范化管理,引入了地理信息系统技术,在可视化开发环境Visualc++下,开发了江苏省海域管理信息系统。

    According to realize the standard management of marine uses , GIS technique and the maritime management information system of Jiangsu province based on Visual C ~ ( + + ) were introduced and developed .

  22. 国家海域使用动态监视监测管理系统数据传输网络设计

    Data Transmission Network Design for National Sea Area Dynamic Surveillance , Monitoring and Management System

  23. 因此,如何保障海域的可持续发展,更好地实施海域使用管理,是我国面临的主要难题。

    So , how to keep the sustainable development of Sea Area , better implement on the use and administration of Sea Area , is the main problem we us facing now .

  24. 特别是近年以来,随着海域开发不断向广度和深度扩展,海域使用管理的问题日益突出,因此加强对海域使用的管理迫在眉睫。

    Especially during recent years , with the development of Sea Area expanding in breadth and depth , the issue of use and administration of Sea Area has shown increasingly , thus reinforcing the use and administrative of Sea Area is very urgent .

  25. 系统可以实现全方位、快速、准确、动态的监测,极大地提升了海域管理的水平,真正做到实时动态的监测海域使用情况,管理公平、公正。

    The system can realize comprehensive , rapid , accurate , dynamic monitoring , and greatly enhance the management of sea area level .

  26. 本文就海域使用权的性质进行了初步探讨,并对海域使用权的取得、管理、流转与消灭,就我国新颁布的《海域使用管理法》进行了简要的分析。

    The author of the thesis deals with the essential nature on the use right of sea areas firstly and the analysis the obtainment , management , transferring and elimination of the right .