
  • 网络Kick-Ass;kick ass;Kickass;Kiss-Ass
  1. 《海扁王》则认为他们会穿行于街道,密切监视社区动静,是想要充当义务警察的怪胎。

    Kick-Ass said they 'd be weirdos who walk the line between neighborhood watch and vigilante .

  2. 像《守望者》(Watchmen)和《海扁王》(Kick-Ass)这样的漫画都提出了这样一个问题:如果超级英雄真的存在,现实世界将会发生什么?

    Comic books like Watchmen and Kick-Ass ask : What would happen if superheroes existed in the real world ?

  3. 在六月他又将在《海扁王2》中出演上校。

    Then in June he 'll pop up as Colonel Stars and Stripes in Kick-Ass 2 .

  4. 唐纳利上周的课程包括“女士巴顿术:穿紧身胸衣也能当海扁王”。

    Mr. Donnelly 's seminars last weekend included ' Kicking Ass in a Corset : Bartitsu for Ladies . '

  5. 在阿龙·约翰逊这部新作&《海扁王》的首映式上,她不但要克服寒冷的天气,也要让自己在红地毯上的走秀保持魅力风采。

    Not only did she manage to brave the freezing conditions at the premiere of Aaron Johnson 's latest film Kick-Ass , she managed to hold her own in the glamour stakes too .

  6. 此片根据《海扁王》作者的漫画小说改编而成。当然,没有哪部恐怖而精彩的英国电影能少得了科林费斯领衔主演高级间谍一角。

    The film is based on a graphic novel by the creator of Kick-Ass , but of course no sort-of-awful-but-brilliant British film would be complete without Colin Firth in the starring role as senior spy .

  7. 该杂志还评出了“英国最具衣着品味男人50强”。排在榜首的是英国演员亚伦·约翰逊,他在萨姆·泰勒·伍德执导的《海扁王》中出演一位呆呆的、没有任何超能力而又自诩“超级英雄”的义务警员。

    The magazine 's list of the 50 most stylish men in Britain was topped by English actor Aaron Johnson -- who played the nerdy superhero-cum-vigilante without any superpowers in director Sam Taylor-Wood 's " Kick-Ass. "