
  • 网络Integrated Ocean Management
  1. 韩国随着1996年海洋水产部的设立,海洋综合管理从本质上得到确立和强化,在海洋环境意识、相关的法律政策以及制度等方面不断得到完善。

    In 1996 , South Korean set up the Ministry of Maritime Affairs . Since then , the integrated ocean management started to be strengthened , and the awareness of the marine environment , the relevant laws and policies as well as aspects of the system have been continuously improved .

  2. 近海水体环境参数的监控与预测技术是发展海洋经济的有力技术支撑,对开发海洋资源、有效保护海洋环境和提高海洋综合管理能力有着举足轻重的作用。

    The monitoring and forecasting technology of environmental parameters of coastal water is the strong technical support for development of marine economy . It plays an important role on the development of marine resources , effective protection of the marine environment and to improve integrated ocean management .

  3. 建立海洋综合管理制度。

    Setting up a comprehensive marine management system .

  4. 论我国区域海洋综合管理问题

    About the Regional Comprehensive Marine Management in China

  5. 海洋综合管理滞后,加剧了海洋资源开发的无序和无度。

    The lag of comprehensive marine management increased the disorder and extravagant development of marine resources .

  6. 海洋综合管理问题探讨

    Discussion on the Integrated Marine Management

  7. 从海洋综合管理的视角完善海域使用管理&基于舟山海域的实证考察

    Improving marine area management in the perspective of integrated management & A case study in Zhoushan marine area

  8. 海上执法是环境执法的一种特殊类型,是海洋综合管理的重要内容与手段。

    Marine justice , as the special type of environmental justice , is an important content and means of comprehensive marine management .

  9. 海洋综合管理的基本目的是保证海洋环境的健康和资源的可持续利用。

    The basic objective of comprehensive marine management is to ensure a healthy marine environment and the sustainable utilization of marine resources .

  10. 本研究的开展,对于丰富和完善海域使用论证理论体系,有效地指导海域使用论证实践和海洋综合管理等方面具有积极的意义。

    To carry out this study , use of sea areas for the rich and perfect system of argumentation theory , argumentation effectively guide the use of sea areas and marine integrated management practices has a positive meaning .

  11. 加强海洋资源综合管理保障资源永续利用

    Strengthen comprehensive marine management and guarantee sustainable utilization of resources

  12. 本论文选题来源于海军海洋调查综合管理信息系统项目。

    The thesis stems from the subject of " Marine Investigation Management System " .

  13. 海洋环境灾害综合风险管理

    Integrated Risk Administration and Emergency Decision-making of Marine Environmental Hazards

  14. 利用先进的地理空间信息技术对海洋环境综合数据进行管理和共享已经成为近几年的趋势。

    It has become a trend to utilize the spatial information technology in the management and sharing of the marine environment comprehensive data in recent years .

  15. 从海洋行业管理到海洋综合管理,协调问题日益受到关注和重视,成为学术界研究的重要课题,但是在理论和实践中仍存在大量的不协调问题,困扰着海洋的可持续发展和利用。

    From the marine professional management to the integrated marine management , the " coordination problems " is increasingly received more and more intention , and becomes an important research topic . But a great deal of problems still exists , and it perplexes the development of the ocean .

  16. 将地理信息系统等现代信息技术应用到海洋环境保护,是加强海洋综合管理,保护好海洋环境,预防海洋环境灾害,维护国家海洋权益有效方法。

    The geographic information system could be used for the protection of the marine environment .

  17. 南亚海洋区域沿海和海洋保护区综合管理训练班;

    Training course on integrated management of coastal and marine protected areas for the South Asian Seas region ;

  18. 区域海洋管理作为有效模式为海洋综合管理服务,而能力建设是其中的核心手段。

    The common solution is through the regional integrated marine management , which is an effective tool for marine management .

  19. 2003年福建省海洋与渔业局荣获国家海洋局颁发的全国海洋综合管理特等奖。

    Fujian Provincial Oceanic & Fishery Administration was awarded Special Grade for State Marine Integrated Management by the State Oceanic Administration , 2003 .

  20. 海冰监测是认识海洋环境特征的基本手段,是冰区工程点海洋环境综合管理和预报技术业务化的基础。

    Ice monitoring is a basic method for understanding the basic characteristics of the sea environment , and it is the foundation for the comprehensive management of the environment of the sea ice area and forecasting technology .

  21. 海洋经济发展所引发的海洋资源、环境和权益的冲突,亟待通过海洋综合管理来加以解决。

    Conflicts in marine resources , environment and jurisdiction are emerging with the development of marine economy .