
  • 网络Consulting;business consulting;business consultant
  1. 王文丽是美国会计和商务咨询公司MossAdams在旧金山和核桃溪镇办事处的合伙人,这家公司帮助中国客户在美国进行投资。

    Wang Wenli is the partner-in-charge at the San Francisco and Walnut Creek offices of Moss Adams , an accounting and business consulting firm which helps Chinese clients the United States .

  2. 上海晚晴商务咨询有限公司CEO鲁振旺表示,百度贴吧作为一种公共服务,在公共交流中起到重要的作用,管理者不应该是任何追求利润的第三方商业机构。

    Because Baidu Tieba exists as a public service and plays a vital role in public communication , the operator should not be any third-party commercial institution that aims to seek profits , said Lu Zhenwang , CEO of Shanghai Wanqing Commerce Consulting Co.

  3. 萧长明先生(TB)是上海最好的商业顾问团队“上海道宾商务咨询有限公司”的创始人兼首席顾问。

    TB Seow ( TB ) is the founder and chief consultant of Shanghai Team Best Retail Consultants Ltd which provides turnkey retail consultancy solutions for developers of shopping malls .

  4. 根据上海咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-Ben)的数据,已有17家跨国机构为此进行了注册。

    Seventeen global institutions have registered to do so , according to Z-Ben , a Shanghai-based consultancy .

  5. 为尼伦德拉安排了实习的是总部位于伦敦金融城的士亚商务咨询(CRCCAsia),该公司的服务收费1995英镑(1个月实习项目,地点:中国)至3495英镑(3个月实习项目)。

    CRCC Asia , the City-based company that organised Mr Neelendra 's internship , charges from £ 1995 for a one-month placement to £ 3495 for three months in China .

  6. 咨奔商务咨询有限公司执行董事迈克尔•麦考马克(MichaelMcCormack)表示,这些基金每个托管招标都要收到30、40或50份申请,而中标者只有两家或三家。

    The funds are getting 30 , 40 , 50 applications for every mandate , with only two or maybe three winners , says Michael McCormack , executive director at Z-Ben Advisors .

  7. 据上海咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)估算,25%的华夏股份大约价值5亿美元。

    A 25 per cent stake in China AMC would be worth about $ 500m , according to an estimate by Z-Ben Advisors , the Shanghai-based consulting firm .

  8. 上海投资咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(z-benadvisors)的彼得亚历山大(peteralexander)表示,中国创设新板市场,“只是何时扣动扳机的问题”。

    Peter Alexander , of Z-Ben advisors , an investment consultancy in Shanghai , says it is " just a matter of when the trigger is pulled " for the new Chinese market to be established .

  9. 基金咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-Ben)的数据显示,回报率持续最佳的基金,是那些善于把握时机、及时改持现金的基金。

    Data from Z-Ben , a fund consultancy , shows that the best returns consistently accrue to funds that have been good at timing shifts into cash .

  10. 根据商业咨询公司富事高商务咨询(FTIConsulting)的数据,在香港上市的金风科技(Goldwind)2015年风电装机总容量超过了长期以来的市场领导者——丹麦公司维斯塔斯(Vestas)和通用电气(GeneralElectric)。

    Hong Kong-listed Goldwind installed so much turbine capacity in 2015 that it overtook the long-time market leader , Denmark 's Vestas , as well as General Electric , according to FTI Consulting , a business advisory firm .

  11. 据基金咨询公司咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)估计,去年底,中投约有1100亿美元海外投资组合,其中约850亿美元是现金。

    At the end of last year , CIC had roughly $ 110bn in its overseas portfolio , according to Z-Ben Advisors , a fund consultancy . Of that , about $ 85bn was cash .

  12. 上海咨奔商务咨询(Z-BenAdvisors)最近在一份报告中表示,随着国内投资者逐步建立国际多元化产品的敞口,QDII产品发行量将在未来12个月内继续增加。

    The number of QDII product launches will continue to rise over the next 12 months as domestic investors build exposure to internationally diversified products , Shanghai-based research firm Z-Ben Advisors said in a recent report .

  13. 创立于2006年的士亚商务咨询的联合创始人埃德•霍尔罗伊德•皮尔斯(EdHolroydPearce)认同这种批评。他预计,今年将从英国和美国派遣1800名学生到中国。

    Ed Holroyd Pearce , who co-founded CRCC Asia in 2006 and is expecting to send out 1,800 students from the UK and US to China this year , takes the criticism on board .

  14. 他是总部位于上海的基金咨询公司&咨奔商务咨询有限公司(Z-BenAdvisors)的创始人,自2004年以来一直为外国集团在中国的经营出谋划策。2004年,中国才刚刚开始向国际基金公司开放。

    As founder of Z-Ben Advisors , the Shanghai-based fund consultancy , he has been helping foreign groups navigate China since 2004 , back when the country had only just started to open up to international fund houses .

  15. 咨奔商务咨询有限公司(Z-BenAdvisors)的一份报告称,今年,中国基金管理业所管理资产的规模应出现强劲增长,但利润可能不会比2008年的较低水平有显著提高。

    China 's fund management industry should see a strong rise in assets under management this year but profits are unlikely to be significantly above the subdued level witnessed in 2008 , according to a report by Z-Ben Advisors .

  16. 据上海咨奔商务咨询(Z-Ben)估计,以这种方式向对冲基金、资产管理公司和其它金融机构出租的额度多达30亿美元。

    As much as $ 3bn of quota is rented out under this arrangement to hedge funds , asset managers and other financial institutions , according to estimates from Z-Ben , a fund consultancy based in Shanghai .

  17. 电子商务咨询公司ChannelAdvisor周二宣布与阿里巴巴合作,协助美国公司借助其软件挺进中国内地市场。

    ChannelAdvisor , which advises companies with their e-commerce strategies , on Tuesday plans announce that it has partnered with Alibaba to help U.S. companies sell into mainland China using its software .

  18. 中国北方城市如何吸引欧洲投资&访国际商务咨询专家麦克·贺伯特

    How Can China 's Northern Cities Attract Investment from Europe

  19. 为那些仍认为一切皆有可能者提供商务咨询,25美金。

    Business advice from someone who 's still young enough to think anything is possible $ 25 .

  20. 上海屹傲商务咨询有限公司是一家快速成长中的为国外公司提供专业策略性采购战略方案的服务公司。

    Ineo China consulting , Ltd is a fast growing service company specialized in providing strategic sourcing solutions to foreign firms .

  21. 2008年实施的不可持续的成本削减措施(咨奔商务咨询相信,其中包括减少发放给员工的奖金),正在放大后危机时代的成本。

    Unsustainable cost-cutting measures implemented in 2008 , including what Z-Ben believes to be lower staff bonuses , are magnifying costs post-crisis .

  22. 士亚商务咨询声称,在通过该公司找到实习机会的在校生和毕业生中,有89%在回国3个月内找到了面向毕业生的工作。

    CRCC Asia claims 89 per cent of students and graduates who find internships through the company get a graduate-level job within three months of returning home .

  23. 咨奔商务咨询表示,在中国基金公司公布的利润中,约有80%至85%来自它们从开放式基金中收取的管理费。

    About 80-85 per cent of profits reported by fund companies in China come from the management fees they generate from open-ended funds , according to Z-Ben Advisors .

  24. 不过,咨奔商务咨询预计,未来几年,中国基金公司的平均盈利能力将继续改善。这主要是因为,监管部门发放新基金管理公司牌照的脚步一直较为缓慢。

    However , Z-Ben expects average profitability to continue to improve in the coming years , largely because regulators have been slow in granting new fund management licences .

  25. 不过可联网衣服并不是时装与科技的唯一结合——全球电子商务咨询公司赛欧曼提出的“程序化商务”概念就聚焦于如何改变购衣方式。

    But internet-connected clothing isn 't the only way fashion is combining with technology - programmatic commerce , a concept developed by global ecommerce consultancy Salmon , is set to change the way we buy clothes .

  26. 基于Web的智能电子商务信息咨询系统

    Web-based E-commerce Information Consultation System

  27. 贸易从事的是进口顶级石材,厨卫设备,五金建材,技术与商务信息咨询等业务。

    Trade in the import top stone , hutch defends equipment , metal building materials , technology and business information consulting business .

  28. 企睿是一家专业于国际商务的咨询公司,现为其意大利合作伙伴,一家欧洲领先的纺织贸易公司招聘所述人员。

    Enterwise an international business consulting company is now seeking the following position for its Italian partner-a leading European textile trading company .

  29. 为运动员和商务人士提供咨询服务的运动心理学顾问约瑟芬•佩里博士(JosephinePerry)表示:“人们在一次六小时的骑行中可以更加轻松自在地进行社交,不像在酒会上强行拉关系。这样子尴尬感会少很多。”

    Dr Josephine Perry , a sport psychology consultant who advises sport professionals and business people , says : " People network in a much freer way on a six-hour bike ride than if it 's something that is forced upon you like a drinks reception . It 's much less awkward . "

  30. 高科技服务业:设计业、检测业、电子商务业、咨询业、认证业等;

    High-tech service industry : design industry , testing industry , e-commerce , consultancy and certification industry .