
  • 网络Business Communication;HiTravel;bscnym
  1. 手机、商务通、移动电源一个都不能少!

    Cellular phone , business , move power supply 1 cannot be little !

  2. 一台电脑,而不是一台商务通!

    A computer , not just an organizer !

  3. 其它物品由学校提供;不允许学生携带手机、商务通、零食、钱财及贵重物品入校。

    Cell phones , electronic dictionaries , snacks , money and valuables are not allowed to be taken into the campus .

  4. 随着商务通的出现,虽然实现了可构造查询条件的名片电子化管理,但价格昂贵,难以在广大客户中进行全面普及。

    With the emergence of GUIDEC , we achieve the electronic management of business cards , but it is expensive and difficult to become universal among customers .

  5. 松鹤富丽集团董事局主席;电子博士;中国杰出青年企业家,北京恒基伟业电子有限公司董事长、裁,“商务通”品牌创始人。

    Chairman of board Bureau of songhefuli group ; doctor of electron , outstanding youth enterpriser of china , board chairman and President of Beijing hengjiweiye electronic co. , ltd. , and initiator of Shangwutong brand .