
  • 网络ebook edit
  1. 电子书制作系统的实现

    The Implementation of Electronic Book Making System

  2. 本文介绍了一种电子书制作系统的实现方法。资料提炼:共选择相关专著8部纳入其中20个章节;

    This paper introduces a implementation method of electronic book making system , which includes two parts . DATA EXTRACTION : Total 20 chapters in 8 bookmaking were collected .

  3. 流行电子书的制作方法研究

    Developing a making way of popular E-Book

  4. 亚马逊的KindleDirectPublishing工具可以让你自行制作电子书,CreateSpace能够帮助制作纸质书籍,而ACX则是有声电子书的制作部门。

    Kindle Direct Publishing allows you to get the word out via e-books , CreateSpacehelps you develop a print edition and ACX is the audio publishing division .