
  • 网络electronic document protection
  1. 文章设计和实现一种基于DRM的电子文档保护系统,并详细论述了电子文档保护机制、系统模型及其关键技术。

    In this paper , an electronic document protection system is designed and implemented , and the electronic document content protection mechanism , system model and its key techniques are discussed in detail .

  2. 基于DRM的电子文档保护技术是一种新的信息安全技术,主要为了解决电子政务网中电子文档内容保护和安全分发问题。

    The electronic document protection technology based on the DRM ( Digital Rights Management ) is a new information security technology , to solve the problem of content protection and secure distribution of electronic documents in the E-GOV networks .

  3. 提出基于DRM的电子文档保护系统EDPS的系统框架,描述了系统的各组成部分以及它们之间的相互关系,详细阐述了各部分的功能与实现细节。

    The framework of the EDPS system which is based on DRM is provided . The components of the system and their interrelationship are described .

  4. 另外,针对现有电子文档保护技术中密钥管理的不安全性,论文研究了一种基于USBKey的公钥加解密方式,并利用本地数据库对密钥和权限进行管理。

    Moreover , considering the insecurity of the key management method of the current digital document protection , this thesis designs a public key encryption method based on USBKey , and a method of managing keys and privileges by using local database .

  5. 电子文档保护系统作为向电子政务提供安全保障的平台,一定要保证信息保密性、信息完整性、真实性以及能够防止抵赖。

    Electronic document protection system is a platform to provide security to the e-government .

  6. 介绍了电子文档保护的实现现状,并详细研究了实现电子文档保护系统的相关技术。

    The present situation of the implementation for electronic document protection is introduced and the related technologies are studied in detail . 3 .

  7. 传统的安全技术无法满足当前涉密内网中的电子文档保护的需求。

    Currently , traditional security technologies have been out of capacity to meet the need for protecting electronic documents of the confidentiality involved internal network .

  8. 随着互联网的发展,对内网中重要电子文档保护的要求也越来越高,基于传统密码学的信息安全手段已经不能满足实际应用的需求。

    With the development of the Internet , the requirements for the important electronic documents protection in the intranet have become more and more sophisticated . Information security based on the traditional cryptography means has not met the needs of practical applications .

  9. 本文在对基于DRM的电子文档版权保护技术进行分析和研究的基础上,设计并实现了一个电子文档版权保护系统。系统由电子文档打包器、许可证授权服务器、客户端浏览器三部分组成。

    Through analyzing and studying the rights protection of electronic documents based on DRM technique , a protective system for the rights of electronic documents is also being designed and realized , which is composed of electronic documents packed implement , a server for authorization and client browser .

  10. 根据电子图纸文档保护的需求,提出了该系统的各功能模块设计方案。

    According to the demands of electronic drawing protection system , we present different functional elements this scheme .

  11. 电子图纸保护系统中的置乱与恢复、电子签章等文档保护解决方案能够在一定程度上解决内部人员泄密问题,与AutoCAD也做到很好的结合。

    Two important elements of this scheme , disorder and recovery , and electronic seals , can at certain extent solve the problem of inside disclosure . It also can be integrated into AutoCAD as plug-in software .