
  1. 针对电子文档安全管理的需求,提出了多种加强电子文档管理的安全措施,并把用户需要与安全措施结合,应用于PDM系统。

    In accordance with the requirements needed by the security management of electronic documents , we propose many kinds of security measures in strengthening the management of electronic documents and apply them into the product data management ( PDM ) system by combining with users ' need .

  2. 企业信息集成平台电子文档安全存储管理技术

    Secure Storage Management Technology of Electronic Documents on Information-integrated Platform in Enterprises

  3. 基于智能卡和数字信封的电子文档安全认证模型

    A security authentication model for electronic documents based on intelligent card and digital envelope

  4. 传统的电子文档安全管理和传输观念开始受到了挑战和动摇。

    So the traditional document management and transmission idea begins to be assaulted and wavered .

  5. 讨论了法院信息系统中的电子文档安全性问题。

    The security of the electronic document insurance of the court information system is discussed .

  6. 因而,围绕电子文档安全的各种技术和产品不断问世。

    Thus , the safety of various electronic documents on technology and products is constantly to come out .

  7. 随着信息技术和计算机科学的发展,电子文档安全已经成为信息技术领域的一个热点问题。

    With the development of information and computer science , the document security has become a hot topic in information area .

  8. 企业电子文档的安全存储和访问问题的研究

    A Study of Electron File 's Safe Memory and Visiting of An Enterprise

  9. 网络环境下电子文档信息安全保障体系的建立

    The Establishment of the Electronic Document Security Control System under the Network Environment

  10. 电子商务文档安全传输系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of E-Commerce Documents Secure Transmission System

  11. 标准化系统中电子文档的安全存储技术研究

    Standardized System of Electronic Document Storage Technology Security Research

  12. 电子文档的安全问题主要体现在两个方面:存储安全和传输安全。

    The security problems of electronic documents contain two parts : storage security and transmission security .

  13. 作为一项有效的电子文档信息安全技术,电子签章技术受到广泛的研究和应用。

    As an important technology in protecting electronic documents , electronic seal has attracted more and more researchers .

  14. 设计并实现了对企业电子文档进行安全,高效管理的方案。

    A secure and effective integrated project for electronic documents management in information platform is designed and implemented .

  15. 电子文档的安全问题发生在两个场合:动态的传输途中和静态的存储形式。

    And the problem of electronic document takes place on two occasions : dynamic transmitting process and static storing mode .

  16. 通过在各企业中进行推广应用,使得企业信息集成平台中的电子文档获得安全、可靠、快速的存储与访问。

    With the application and spreading in each enterprise , the storage of and the access to electronic documents on the information-integrated platform will be more secure , reliable and prompt .

  17. 本论文成功地解决了对涉密电子文档的安全管理问题,对各级政府和军事科研单位管理电子文档有着重要的意义。

    This thesis resolves the security management issue of secret electronic documents successfully , and it has an important significance to managing electronic documents in many levels of government and military research institutes and other departments .

  18. 从安全思想、安全策略、安全法规、安全标准、安全管理、安全技术和安全人才保障等方面论述了如何构建网络环境下电子文档信息安全保障体系。

    This paper expounds how to establish electronic document security control system under the network environment from aspects of the security thought , security tactics , security standard , security management , security technique , and security talents , etc.

  19. 电子文档的安全性对自动化办公发展起着重要的作用,电子文档的数量常常又十分巨大,维护起来也十分困难,这就需要一个工具来维护这些电子文档的安全。

    Electronic document 's security plays an important role in the development of the automatic office work . , in respect that the large amount of electronic documents , maintenance becomes a very difficult task , therefore , it needs a facility to maintenance these electronic documents .

  20. 虽然可通过共享机制实现互访,但管理和维护较为困难,既产生信息孤岛问题,对重要敏感电子文档还会存在安全性问题。

    Security problems and information-isolated island may occur for some of these documents .

  21. 多媒体电子文档系统MeDoc及其安全措施

    The Multimedia Electronic Documents System and the Measures to Improve Its Safety

  22. 电子文档存储中的安全技术

    The Security Techniques in Electronic Document Storage

  23. 但由于电子文档本身的不安全性,使其在传播的过程中很容易被非法复制和篡改,而且不留任何痕迹。

    However , because of the insufficiency of electronic documents , they can easily be illegally copied and manipulated , without any trace .

  24. 基于DRM的电子文档保护技术是一种新的信息安全技术,主要为了解决电子政务网中电子文档内容保护和安全分发问题。

    The electronic document protection technology based on the DRM ( Digital Rights Management ) is a new information security technology , to solve the problem of content protection and secure distribution of electronic documents in the E-GOV networks .

  25. 随着办公自动化的深入和发展,电子文档大量出现,网络环境下的电子文档信息安全问题日益突出。

    With the deepening and developing of the office automation , a large quantity of the electronic documents appears , and the security problem of the electronic document is more and more obvious under the network environment .

  26. 随着数字化、信息化、网络化的发展,电子文档已经称为了信息存储的主要方式,随之带来的信息安全问题也日益突出,电子文档的安全成为了信息安全领域中的热点问题。

    With the rapid development of digitalization , information , networking , electronic documents have become the major method of information storages , and the information security problems have been more and more remarkable . The security of electronic documents is becoming a hot issue in information security .

  27. 然后介绍了在线电子手写签名认证技术在系统中的应用,通过将手写签名与系统生成的概预算表格绑定、加密来解决概预算电子文档共享时的安全和责任认定问题。

    The paper also introduces the on-line electronic handwritten signature verification technique used to ensure the safe share and responsibility confirmation of electronic documents by inserting the signature in budgetary estimate or budget sheets and encrypting the budgetary estimate or budget files .

  28. 提出了将企业电子文档进行分类处理后以数据库方式进行存储管理、通过电子文档的授权访问机制以及对电子文档的加密、压缩处理后在网络上进行传输和存储的电子文档安全管理技术。

    A new technology of electronic document administration are introduced , in which authorized administration mechanism are taken and the documents are classified , encrypted , compressed and then transported via intranet and stored in database .