
  1. 在随后的季度中,客户需要生成一个报告,检查报告,然后将它以电子文档格式提交给IBM。

    In subsequent quarters , clients need to generate a report , review it , and then submit it electronically to IBM .

  2. 目前最流行的电子文档格式&PDF文档,集多媒体信息于一身,交互方式丰富,并且可在Web上发布和传递,具有独特优势。

    At present , the most popular electronic file form & P DF file incorporated the multimedia information has the abundance of mutual way . PDF file was published on the Web , and it has a unique advantage in conveying .

  3. 作者根据PDF应用现状以及PDF文件格式的主要特性;指出PDF文件格式是档案信息资源数字化、网络化过程中可以采用的较理想的电子文档格式。

    The author suggests that the PDF file format is one of the fine E-file formats for digit archive information in the process of networking according to the major features of PDF and the application state .

  4. 在将纸张介质的文档自动转换成电子文档格式的过程中,版面的分析、理解和重构是十分关键的问题。

    Layout Analysis , understanding and representation are important problems when transforming paper documents to electronic versions .

  5. 最后,对于许多公司、教育机构和政府代理,所选的电子文档的格式是AdobePDF。

    Finally , for many corporations , educational institutions , and government agencies , the electronic document format of choice is Adobe PDF .

  6. PDF(portabledocumentformat)文件是用于电子文档分发的理想格式,是全球电子文档分发的开放式标准。

    PDF ( portable document format ) is an ideal file format and an open standard particularly well suited for the distribution of electronic documents .

  7. PDF凭借着它的种种优势,克服了电子文件共享过程中经常遇到的识别问题,使用户可以在网上自由地浏览文件和方便地交换文件,它成为进行现代电子文档分发的理想格式。

    With its many advantages , PDF overcomes the identification problems in the process of electronic files sharing and allows the user to browse tiles freely and exchange files easily online . So it has been the ideal file format for file distribution .