
  1. 请提供一个打印本一个电子本。

    Please give us one hard copy and electronic copy .

  2. 建立了一维纳米随机链模型,在计及近邻、次近邻相互作用情况下,采用新的方法计算了链长从1×104~1×105个原子系统的电子本征值和本征矢。

    A one dimensional random nanometer chain model is founded and a new method to solve the eigenvectors is developed .

  3. 本文利用相关检测技术,并对测试管结构作了改进,很好地抑制了热电子本底及空间电荷效应,构成一种测量热阴极在工作温度下次级电子发射性能的新方法。

    By using correlation-detection technique and improving the structure of test tube , the background noise of thermionic-electrons and space charge effect are restrained .

  4. 结果表明与电子本征态分布一样,无序体系的声子态分布也具有局域性,且局域程度与本征频率的大小、体系无序程度以及系统大小有密切的关系。

    The result shows that , like the electronic eigenvectors , the phonon eigenvectors in the disordered system are localized . And the degree of localization is related to the eigenfrequency , degree of disorder and number of lattices .

  5. ApplePencil把iPadmini变成了你的电子素描本。

    Apple Pencil transforms iPad mini into your digital sketch book ,

  6. 稀土元素Ac,Th,Pa和U原子的单电子能量本征值以及X射线能量的相对论计算

    Relativistic calculations of single-electron energy eigenvalues and X-ray energies of rare earth elements Ac , Th , Pa and U

  7. 针对电子密码本模式无法隐蔽明文数据模式因而具有很大的安全隐患这一缺点,引入Gray码对明文进行伪装,构造了一个伪装的电子密码本工作模式。

    In order to improve the security of mode of operation , a masked ECB mode of operation was constructed with the Gray code to mask the plaintext .

  8. 这家韩国电子巨头本指望它能帮自己缩小与最大的竞争对手苹果(Apple)之间的差距。但现在,这款手机看上去更像是一个代价巨大、挥之不去的问题。

    Today , that model - which the South Korean electronics giant was counting on to help it close the gap with Apple , its biggest rival - looks more like an expensive problem that will not go away .

  9. 双电子组态本征函数的3j符号解法

    3j symbol 's solution of proper funtions for the two-electron configuration

  10. 本文用相对论性Xα法计算了N~-、O~-、F~-、S~-、Cl~-等负离子的组态平均能和单电子能量本征值;

    The average energy of configurations and the one-election energy eigenvalues of negative ions N ~ - , O ~ - , F ~ - , S ~ - , Cl ~ - are calculated by using relativistic X_ α method .

  11. 用晶体的电子近似本征函数计算金属在不同温度下的晶格参数

    A Calculation of Lattice Constants of Metals at Various Temperatures by the Approximate Eigenfunctions of Electrons in a Crystal

  12. 本文利用晶体的电子近似本征函数和弗密&狄喇克统计得出屏蔽系数和温度的关系。

    The relation between screening constant and temperature has been obtained by the approximate eigenfunctions of electrons in a crystal and Fermi-Dirac statistics .

  13. 利用负本征值理论及无限阶微扰理论,对系统电子的本征值和本征态进行了数值计算。

    Using the negative eigenvalue theory and the infinite order perturbation theory , we calculate numerically the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the electronic states .

  14. 彼得森表示,电子游戏本应是语言设计师大显身手的舞台,但开发商更关注艺术效果和游戏体验,而不是语言的严密性。

    Video games should be a rich source of work yet developers care more about the artwork and gaming than linguistic consistency , he says .

  15. 韩国三星电子公司本周二宣布,旗下移动支付服务“三星智付”在中国上线。三星很可能也要加入中国移动支付市场大战。

    South Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co on Tuesday announced the launch of its mobile payment service in China , where it is likely to struggle in an already crowded market .

  16. 自旋是电子的本征量,它是所有粒子的本征性质,就像我们说质量是本征的或者电荷是本征的。

    And this spin is an intrinsic quality of the electron , it 's a property that is intrinsic in all particles , just like we would say mass is intrinsic or charge is intrinsic .

  17. 野外电子记录本已在发达国家野外数据采集中使用,它与室内工作的紧密结合及其标准化工作,对提高工作效率与质量有着重要的作用。

    An outdoor electronic logger , for example , has been used for field geological data-gathering in developed countries . While combining closely with indoor geological researches and being standardized , the logger will greatly improve work efficiency and quality .

  18. 参考的geopak文件电子版本作为本建议书的一部分含在本建议书中。

    The referenced GEOPAK files are included electronically as part of this proposal .

  19. 论文主要包括以下几个方面:对锰基钙钛矿氧化物的电子结构、本征CMR效应、非本征磁电阻效应及其机理做了简要的概述。

    In this thesis , our main investigation including : ( 1 ) A summary of the formation and its physical problems of the structure , properties and magnetoresistance in the manganese oxides has been given .

  20. 本文以3j符号为工具求双电子Russell&Saunders耦合本征函数,所得计算公式既可直接用于非等效电子,也可用于等效电子。

    The proper funtions for the two-electron configuration of Russell-Saunders cupling had teen found with 3j symbol in this paper . The formula can treat directly the nonequivalent electrons , and treat the equivalent electrons also .

  21. 他还说,电子监视设备本应该发现漏印了全息防伪标志。

    He added that the missing hologram should have been detected by electronic surveillance .

  22. 消费性电子产品蝉联本次假日季最受欢迎礼品榜单冠军。

    Consumer electronics once again topped the list of the most wanted gifts this holiday season .

  23. 除了基本的机械与电子技术,本领域还需要学习电脑诊断设备,电脑故障排除和计算机体系结构方面的知识。

    Besides basic mechanics and electronics , this field requires knowledge of computer diagnostic equipment , circuit troubleshooting , and computer architecture .

  24. 在电子商务方向本设计在传统网站购物模式的基础上融合和小额商品短信交易功能,实现了全天候、自动化的短信营销。

    In this design direction of e-commerce shopping website in the traditional mode of integration and based on small commodities trading , realizing the function of SMS messages , automation of all marketing .

  25. 交互式电子白板是本世纪国际上推出的一款崭新的、功能强大的现代化教学工具,它既具有现代多媒体教学的特点,又融合了传统黑板教学手段的优势。

    Interactive electronic whiteboard is the introduction of a new , powerful tools of modern education , it not only has the modern multimedia teaching characteristics , and the integration of traditional blackboard teaching advantages .

  26. CES消费电子展已经在本周拉开大幕,以下是截至目前,各大汽车公司发布的一些最撩人心魄的技术。

    With CES underway this week , here 's a few of the most tantalizing things we 've seen from the auto industry so far .

  27. 根据设计的高频系统和环形注电子枪,结合本实验室所能达到的运行指标,对同轴EIO进行了整管粒子模拟。

    Based on the operation control indicators of our laboratory , the particle simulation method is used to investigate the whole-tube properties of the coaxial EIO , which the high-frequency system and toroidal electron gun .

  28. 本文探讨了网络电子期刊替代纸本期刊的决策问题。

    This paper discusses the strategic issue of printed text replaced with networked electronic journals .

  29. 这才是最符合便携媒体处理要求的电子设备,而本设计便是在这方面的努力。

    It is the very electronic device that satisfies the need of portable media processing .

  30. 结论表明,数字电子资源与纸本印刷资源相比有着显著的低成本和高收益。

    The conclusion shows that the electronic resource and services have yielded benefits for libraries , readers and universities .