
  1. 2008年,亚马逊Kindle在大众电子书市场取得了巨大的成功,也让人们看到了电子书市场的新希望。

    In 2008 , the Amazon Kindle achieved great success in the public e-book market , people also have confidence on the e-book market .

  2. 在亚马逊中国负责Kindle内容产品管理的顾凡表示,该项服务的目标是为中国客户提供更灵活的方式来阅读以及培育中国初生的电子书市场。

    The service is aimed to provide Chinese customers a more flexible way to read and to foster China 's nascent e-book market , said Gu Fan , the head of Kindle content product management at Amazon China .

  3. 利用历史数据进行了Bass模型的参数估计,建立了中国电子书市场的Bass扩散模型。应用Bass模型实证分析了我国电子书市场的扩散过程,验证了Bass模型的有效性。

    Using historical data , the author makes an estimates of the Bass model parameters , establishes the Bass diffusion model , the Bass model of diffusion of e-book marke . The empirical analysis showed that Bass model can be used to describe the diffusion process of e-book market .

  4. 设备制造商本身也在推动中国的电子书市场。

    The device-makers themselves are also driving the market in China .

  5. 电子书市场可能很快取代纸质书。

    Soon the e-book market may overtake the other .

  6. 预计到2015年,中国的电子书市场将超过美国。

    China 's e-tablet market to outstrip US by2015 .

  7. 你可以创造自己的电子书市场一个难以置信的低价格。

    You can create and market your own ebook for an unbelievably low price .

  8. 在中国电子书市场,破解口令和密码的行为非常猖獗。

    The cracking of passwords and encryption is rampant in the Chinese e-book market .

  9. 但内容供应不足的事实,可能会阻碍电子书市场的增长。

    But growth could be hampered by the fact that content is in short supply .

  10. 这对于习惯了“免费服务”的中国电子书市场,将是一个巨大挑战。

    It will be a big challenge for China 's e-book market that has been used to free service .

  11. 信息技术的发展使电子书市场蓬勃发展,各种阅读设备层出不穷。

    The development of the information technology makes e-book market booming with alot of reading equipment emerging in endlessly .

  12. 以年度为时间间隔和以季度为时间间隔两种方法对我国电子书市场销量增长拐点进行了预测,可靠性更高。

    The two more effective methods , annual intervals and quarterly intervals , predicted sales growth inflection point of e-book market in China .

  13. 此外,中国电子书市场发展的主要驱动力,是手机用户的庞大数量及其增长。

    Moreover , the development of this market in China is mainly driven by the large number , and the growth , of mobile phone users .

  14. 最后,笔者试着根据产业链的现实状况,结合自己的理解与期待,展望未来的电子书市场。

    Finally , I tried according to the reality of the industrial chain , combined with my understanding and expectations , previewed the future of e-book market .

  15. 出版商和作家们也担心如果亚马逊一直雄霸电子书市场,最终就会强迫他们接受更低的批发价,迫使实力较弱的出版商和其他书商退出这个行业。

    Publishers and authors also feared that if Amazon remained dominant , it would eventually impose lower wholesale prices on them too , forcing weaker publishers and other booksellers out of business .

  16. 和苹果合作吧,看看我们能否做成这件事:以12.99美元和14.99美元的图书定价打造一个真正的主流电子书市场,他写道。

    Throw in with Apple and see if we can all make a go of this to create a real mainstream e-books market at $ 12.99 and $ 14.99 , he wrote .

  17. 特别在最近三年,电子书市场飞速发展,极大改变了图书出版业的发展态势,在出版形态与方式上越来越多样化,电子图书与传统图书平分秋色。

    Especially in the last three years , the rapid development of e-book market has greatly changed the book publishing industry development trend , the way of publishing has more diverse forms .

  18. 亚马逊占据了美国纸质书市场30%的份额和电子书市场逾60%的份额,从反垄断的角度来说,它无疑具有市场权力。

    With a 30 per cent share of the physical book market in the US and more than 60 per cent of ebooks , it clearly has market power in the antitrust sense .

  19. 近年来,手机电子书市场蓬勃发展,已经成为了电子消费市场的一个新亮点。但是现有的手机移动阅读的运营模式都存在着一定的缺陷。

    In recent years , the rapid development of mobile e-books has become a new bright spot in consumer electronics market . However , the existing operating mode of mobile phone reading subsist some defects .

  20. 本文主要内容包括:定量分析了市场现状和产品结构,定性分析了影响我国电子书市场扩散的主要因素。

    The main contents include : the author makes a quantitative analysis of market conditions and product structure as well as a qualitative analysis of the main factor which has the impact of the proliferation of e-book market .

  21. 宏观动力为不断优化的网络环境,宏观阻力主要为,电子书市场的整体概况的不成熟的阶段和电子书产业链的不平衡状态。

    Macroscopic power is the network environment of unceasing optimization , macroscopic resistance major is , electronic book and the stage of the overall general situation of the electronic site of book market that does not ripen the unbalanced state of industrial chain .

  22. 亚马逊不但没有占领电子书的市场,而且他们在少得可怜的几所学校进行KindleDX试用计划也没有得到学生们的认同。

    Not only did Amazon not penetrate the e-textbook market ; it also failed to impress students with Kindle DX pilot programs launched at a handful of universities .

  23. 上网本领域的先驱企业华硕(asus)今年2月就着手准备打入电子书阅读器市场,它计划最早在今年年底生产出第一款自有品牌的电子书阅读器。

    ASUS , the netbook pioneer , began preparations to enter the e-reader market in February , and plans to have its first , own-branded model ready by the end of this year at the earliest .

  24. 两款阅读器都将于本月底在美国上市。美国已成为全球最大的电子书阅读器市场。

    Both will go on sale in the US , which has emerged as the largest market for e-book readers , at the end of this month .

  25. 虽然索尼公司利用先进的电子墨水技术率先拓展了电子书阅读器市场,但它在将该产品转化为大众市场设备的竞争中落后于亚马逊。

    While Sony helped pioneer the market for e-book readers using sophisticated electronic ink technology , it had fallen behind Amazon in the race to transform electronic readers into mass market devices .

  26. 另外,他们也像唱片公司一样面对一个几近垄断、具有控制力的电子书发行市场:就像苹果公司控制了音乐下载市场一样,亚马逊掌控着电子书市场。

    And they face , as the record companies did , a near-monopoly controlling digital distribution : Amazon 's grip over the e-book market is much like Apple 's control of music downloads .

  27. 在投资约10亿美元开发电子纸技术和进行相关收购后,这家总部位于台北的公司在全球小型电子书显示屏供应市场中占到了逾三分之二的份额。

    After investing about $ 1bn in developing the technologies behind e-paper and related acquisitions , the Taipei-based company accounts for more than two-thirds of the supply of small screens for electronic books .

  28. 在进军电子书销售等其它市场之际,谷歌(Google)也需要一个显而易见的对手,以转移人们对其在线搜索广告业务主导地位的注意力。

    Google too needs a highly visible enemy to distract from its dominance of online search advertising as it moves into other markets such as selling digital books .

  29. 2009年夏季初,我们起诉了苹果及多家出版公司的最高主管,他们涉嫌操纵电子书售价,合作共谋提升电子书市场的竞争力,最终导致消费者支付更高的电子书价格。

    Beginning in the summer of 2009 , we alleged that executives at the highest levels of the companies included in today 's lawsuits , concerned the e-book sellers had reduced prices , worked together to eliminate competition among stores selling e-books , ultimately increasing prices for consumers .

  30. 本电子集团索尼(Sony)宣布,将推出一款价格399美元的无线触摸屏电子书阅读器,以求夺回它在新兴的电子书市场控制权争夺战中被亚马逊(Amazon.com)抢走的份额。

    Sony opens new chapter in fight for dominance of electronic books Sony has unveiled its bid to reclaim ground lost to Amazon.com in the battle for control of the emerging electronic book market with a wireless , touch-screen reader priced at $ 399 .