
  1. 高校实施文档一体化管理的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of the Documents Integration Management in the University

  2. 如何实现高校文档一体化管理

    On how to realize document integrative management in universities and colleges

  3. 电子时代文档一体化的新走向

    On the New Trend of the Document Integrating in the Electronic Times

  4. 文档一体化管理中秘书的角色定位

    On secretary ′ s role in integrated management of Archives

  5. 浅议文档一体化的科学途径

    The Scientific Way to the Integration of the Filing Work

  6. 网络环境下文档一体化的技术性制约因素分析

    The Technology Constraints Analysis for Documents Integration in Network Environment

  7. 文档一体化理论与文件中心的发展

    Document Integrate Theory and the Development of Document Centers

  8. 文档一体化之实践

    On the Practice of the File - Archive Integration

  9. 文档一体化管理问题探讨

    An Inquiry into Integration Management of Document and Archives

  10. 高校改制与文档一体化

    College Reform and the Integration of Documents and Files

  11. 谈“文档一体化”归档关口的设置

    The establishment of filing pass for " the of records and archives "

  12. 同步归档:文档一体化管理的保障机制

    Synchronistic Filing : The Guaranteeing Mechanism in Management for Integration of Documents and Files

  13. 该模型具有工作流技术的高效特点,支持矢量图形,实现了文档一体化功能,安全可靠。通过一个具体实例,验证了该模型是可行的、有效的和安全的。

    The model possesses high-efficiency of workflow , realizes integrative file-archives , and holds security .

  14. 校园网络下的文档一体化管理刍议

    File Integration Management Based on Campus Network

  15. 文档一体化综合管理信息系统

    An Integral Document Management Information System

  16. 但目前仍然存在一些制约文档一体化管理的因素,需要采取相应的策略加以解决。

    However , there still exist some factors that hinder the process of the integration of filing .

  17. 文档一体化是信息化、数字化、网络化背景下文件与档案工作发展的大势所趋。

    Document integration is the trend of document and archive work under the background of IT application , digitalization and networking .

  18. 网络环境下文档一体化面临着一系列的技术性问题亟待解决,主要表现在文件、档案电子存储格式的不统一;子系统结合不紧密,没有真正实现渗透融合;

    There are some technical questions need to resolve for documents integration in network environment , such as not uniform on file formats .

  19. 因此,尽快实现文档一体化管理,是长期从事文件管理和档案管理工作者的义不容辞的责任。

    Thus , implementation of integrated management of documents and archives as soon as possible is the responsibility of management workers of documents and archives .

  20. 在信息化浪潮的冲击下,文书、档案管理工作向文档一体化方向发展已成为一种必然趋势。

    Under the impact of upsurging informationization , it is inevitable for the management of documents and archives to develop in the direction of integration .

  21. 关于文档一体化的研究早在20世纪80年代就已经兴起,并迅速形成热潮。

    The research on the integration of documents and achieves in the early 1980s of the 20th century has been the rise and quickly form an upsurge .

  22. 电子文档一体化管理是网络条件下文件、档案管理的必然趋势,是档案工作的发展方向。

    In the network environment , the integrative management of the electronic document and the electronic archives is the inevitable trend and the developing direction of the work of archives .

  23. 本文就文档一体化理论依据、管理模式等方面进行了阐述,对文档一体化理论和文件中心的发展之间的关系进行讨论;

    This paper has discussed the basis of document integration theory , expounded the management models , and discussed the relation between document integration theory and the development of document centers .

  24. 以文件生命周期理论为线索,对文档一体化和文件中心进行分析,指出了在我国进行文档一体化改革和建立文件中心具有必要性、可行性。

    Based on the theory of document life cycle , the paper has analyzed document integration and document centers , and pointed out that it is very necessary and practical to be engaged in document integration reform and establish document centers .

  25. 文档一体化是办公自动化的重要组成部分和具体体现,只有把档案信息化建设与办公自动化建设结合起来,统一标准、统一部署,才能进一步提高工作质量和效率,实现文档信息管理的科学化。

    Archive integration is an important component and embodiment of OA . Only Integrating the construction of archive informatization and OA with uniform standard and arrangement , can we improve the work quality and efficiency and achieve the scientific archive information management .

  26. 实现现代文秘工作和档案管理工作规范衔接,要强化文档一体化意识,强化全过程管理工作,强化文书部门立卷工作。

    The realization of the standardized connection between the contemporary secretarial work and the archive management lies in the intensification of the integrated consciousness of file management , the whole process the management and the word of sorting files by the secretarial departments .

  27. 文章对电力企业档案的现状、文档一体化的特点和功能、文档一体化计算机管理中存在的不足及如何做好文档一体化管理工作等方面进行了详细的阐述。

    The paper makes a detailed introduction about the present situation of electric power enterprise archives , the character and function of integrative document and its insufficiency in computer management , as well as how to improve the quality of the integrative document works .

  28. 信息技术给档案工作带来了革命性变化,为此,在信息时代必须对文秘工作和档案管理工作重新定位,文秘工作与档案管理工作应规范衔接,实现文档一体化管理模式。

    Information technology ( IT ) has greatly revolutionized archive administration work . Therefore , it should be relocated with the secretariat work and archive administration work properly linked , so that a new management mode of " integrations of secretarial and archive work " .

  29. 但研究所涉及的层面大多为对文件和档案如何进行一体化管理,即探索文档一体化管理的模式,而很少将理论与技术相结合来研究这一问题。

    But most of the Institute for the level of the document did the research on how to carry on the integrated document management , that is , exploring model of integrated document management , and few will combine theory and technology to study the issue .

  30. 综合运用了比较分析法、实证分析法、归纳法等方法,希望通过对我国一些现成的文档一体化模式的分析,提出文档一体化管理模式中的一些共性的问题。

    The comparative analysis , empirical analysis , as well as inductive method , were applied in this paper . By means of anglicizing of the existing mode of IMDA , some questions with general character on the modes of IMDA have been pointed out in this paper .