
  • 网络contextualism;contextually;contexturism;Contextuingism
  1. 文脉主义中的建筑与城市

    The architecture and the urban of contextualism

  2. 第三部分:理论与实际相结合论述了决定城市商业步行街地域性设计的两大要素,城市设计与文脉主义,并且结合上文总结出城市商业步行街地域性设计的原则。

    In the third part , urban design and contextualism , which is the two elements of urban commercial pedestrian mall , are mainly discussed by combine force of theory and practice .

  3. 城市环境&从场所文脉主义角度认识城市环境改造设计

    City Environment - Conscious of the Design to Reform City Environment from the Cultural Origin of Location

  4. 后现代主义为了纠正这一缺陷,提倡设计中的装饰主义、隐喻主义及文脉主义。

    In order to correct this flaw , The postmodernism advocates in the design Arnamentation , Allusionism and Contextualtion .

  5. 新文脉主义的可持续发展不仅是理论构建和其生命力的要求,也是维护城市风貌、体现城市地域特色的重要手段,其理论价值更体现在实际运用上。

    The sustainable development of new contextualism is not only the requirement of theoretic configuration and vivid life , but also the important measures to guarantee the city landscape and regional characteristics . Its theoretic value lies in the application .

  6. 通过对大量国内外理论和实践成果的分析与总结,以叙事理论为基础,综合运用园林史、文脉主义、场所精神和环境心理学等相关理论对城市景观的叙事性表达进行比较系统深入的探讨。

    Through analyzing and summarizing the related theory and the achievement of practice home and abroad probe the urban landscape taking the narrative theory as the foundation as well as applying the history of gardening , conceptualism , spirit of site and the environmental psychology .

  7. 其重要的学术意义和核心价值体现在:城市的现代化建设首先应强调本土的、地域文化的传承及其对文脉现代化的弘扬,新文脉主义是城市文化本质特征和城市特色的最高表现。

    The academic importance and core value lies in promotion of the local and regional city culture .

  8. 文脉的传承与文化遗产保护工作休戚相关,以文脉思想来统领文化遗产保护是一个创新性的思路,也是新文脉主义实现可持续发展的基础。

    The inheritance of city context is closely related to the culture heritage protection . Culture heritage protection lead by city context is a creative idea and it is also the foundation of the achievement of sustainable development .