
  • 网络comparative institutional analysis;cia
  1. 美国、日本现代企业的比较制度分析

    The Cia of American and Japan Corporation

  2. 从本质到现象:比较制度分析的基本路线

    From Essence to Phenomenon : a Principal Line of Comparative Institutional Analysis

  3. 运用的方法主要是规范性的逻辑分析和比较制度分析的方法。

    Research methods include normative logic analysis and comparative institute analysis .

  4. 美国经济管制改革的比较制度分析

    Studies on Comparative Institution Analysis about American economy management reform

  5. 新制度经济学的新发展:历史比较制度分析

    Recent developments of new institutional economics : institutional analysis of historical comparison

  6. 比较制度分析和设计&一种宪制经济学的理论框架

    Comparative Institutional Analysis and Design & A Theoretical Framework of Constitutional Political Economy

  7. 青木昌彦的比较制度分析研究

    The Research of Masahiko Aoki 's Comparative Institutional Analysis

  8. 世界转型经济绩效差异的比较制度分析

    Performance Differences in the Transforming Economies of the World : A Comparative Institutional Approach

  9. 比较制度分析是对经济体制的差异进行比较的工具。

    The Comparative Institutional Analysis is the tool comparing difference of the economic system .

  10. 第二部分是比较制度分析的内涵和意义。

    The second part is mainly about the meaning of the comparative institutional analysis .

  11. 从主流范式到比较制度分析&法律经济学理论思维空间的拓展

    From Mainstream Paradigm to Comparative Institutional Analysis Paradigm & Rethinking the Mainstream Law and Economics

  12. 图书馆治理的比较制度分析

    Comparative Institutional Analysis to Library Governance

  13. 企业产权制度的比较制度分析&基于企业内收入公平分配的视角

    The Comparative Analysis of Firm Property Rights & A Perspective from Fair Income Distribution within Firms

  14. 比较制度分析的若干要素

    Ingredients for Conducting Comparative Institutional Analysis

  15. 在对青木昌彦的比较制度分析思想作了全面的回顾后,本文将这一新的经济学理论和新古典经济学、新制度经济学进行了比较研究,做出了相应的理论评价。

    Based on the review of the theory , we compare it with neo-classical and new institutional economics .

  16. 通过比较制度分析,中国适宜采用融合发展型的制度变迁模型来推动中国的金融发展。

    Through the comparative institutional analysis , our country should choose the mixing - developing - institutional - change model to motivate our country financial development .

  17. 城镇居民基本医疗保险的比较制度分析&基于东、中、西部3省9市试点方案的比较

    Comparative Institutional Analysis of Urban Residents Medical Insurance & Based on 9 Experimental Schemes of 3 Provinces in the East , Middle and West of China

  18. 本文采用比较制度分析的角度,从分析四种制度的概念入手,阐述了比较制度分析下的制度的定义、特征。

    Using the perspective of comparative institutional analysis , the paper analysis four defines of " system " and elaborates the definition and character of CIA .

  19. 本文主要运用博弈论等分析工具,吸收制度的演化,比较制度分析的理论成果,对产业集群实现市场机能扩张的经济机理进行论证。

    The dissertation is on the economy mechanisms of industry clusters outspreading the market mechanisms by tools of game theory , institution evolvement and comparative institutions analyses .

  20. 在此基础上,将比较制度分析理论运用到中国经济的现实中,解释了中国经济改革发展过程中非公有制企业党组织的建设这一特有的现象。

    After that , we apply the theory of Comparative Institutional Analysis into use , explaining the " The party building in Chinese enterprises of the non-public sectors " characteristic of china .

  21. 本文从比较制度分析的视角研究美国经济管制改革,对我国政府提高经济管理能力具有借鉴意义。

    This article explore the American economic regulation system through the perspective of comparative system analysis , which is believed to be helpful in improving the economic management ability of Chinese government .

  22. 评价储蓄保障制度的优势与不足,只有找到一个合理的参照体系,并运用比较制度分析工具,才能得出客观的结论。

    In order to reach an impersonal conclusion about the advantages and deficiencies of a deposit insurance system , tools of comparative institutional analysis should be employed in a logical reference frame .

  23. 本文的创新之一是在方法上运用了比较制度分析法分析两种公司治理模式的差异,通过新方法分析老问题,这是本文的在理论上的创新。

    One of innovation of the paper is we apply the comparative system analysis to corporate governance , analyses the old question by the new method is the first innovation of my paper .

  24. 因此在进行比较制度分析时,应该深入到更基本的层面,看到制度背后的约束条件,即经济社会的资源状况。

    Therefore , when we carry on the comparison system analysis , we should penetrate into more basic aspects and look for the restraint conditions behind the system , namely resources conditions in society .

  25. 在利用比较制度分析方法研究内外部资本市场的制度特征、效应以及不完全信息等问题的基础上,可以得到一些提高内部资本市场中信息完整性的建议。

    This paper studies the institutional characteristics , the effect and incomplete information of ICM and ECM with a comparative institutional analysis , and then gives some advices to increase the information in ICM .

  26. 本文从比较制度分析方法视角出发,设计了评价与分析我国现行高等教育体制的框架与分析方法、以及高等教育体制影响高等教育成本行为的实证方法。

    It designs a framework and puts forwards the analysis methods to evaluate and analyze the present higher education system , as well as the empirical methods of the influence of higher education system over its cost behavior .

  27. 这部分分析主要采用了比较制度分析法,通过仔细比较在不同条件下内外部资本市场在信息优势与融资稳定性上交易费用的差异,给出了本文关于内部资本市场有效率的局限条件。

    In this part , I review and discuss the differences on transaction cost concerning the advantages of information and reliability of capital supply by conducting a careful comparative institutional analysis between internal capital market and external capital market .

  28. 在这一部分里面,对比较制度分析的主要内容和方法进行了叙述,并分析了采用比较制度分析中国股票市场的合理性和优势,并对这些研究进行简短的评述。

    In this part , is describes the main contents and methods of the comparative institutional analysis , analyzes the rationality and advantages in analyzing China 's stock market by means of the comparative institutional analysis , and carries on a brief comment on these researches .

  29. 交易费用的测度是交易费用经济学从理论研究走向实证研究的重要环节,它对于比较制度分析和理解不同国家间经济绩效差异也有重要的意义。

    Measurement of transaction costs is a key procedure to Transaction Cost Economics ( TCE ) transferring itself from theories to positive study . It plays an important role in comparative institutional analysis as well as under - standing the differences among different countries ' economic performances .

  30. 运用现代产权理论和比较制度分析方法,就转轨时期中俄农地产权制度变迁、农地产权制度绩效、农地流转制度等进行比较分析。

    Based on the modern property right theory and the comparable systems analyzing theory , the paper analyzes the changes of farmland property right system , performance of the system and system for transferring farmland in China and Russia , against the same background of social transition .