
  • 网络comparative librarianship;Comparative library science
  1. 国际图书馆学和比较图书馆学:它们是同一个概念吗

    International Librarianship and Comparative Librarianship : Are they the same concept

  2. 1978年以来我国比较图书馆学理论研究进展

    The development of theory research of comparative librarianship in China since 1978

  3. 信息时代比较图书馆学的发展前景

    On the Developing Prospect of Comparative Library Science in Information Age

  4. 比较图书馆学≠图书馆事业+比较方法

    Comparative Library Science ≠ Library Undertaking + Comparative Methods

  5. 试析比较图书馆学的内涵和特征

    On the connotation and characteristics of the comparative librarianship

  6. 略论比较图书馆学

    On Comparative Library Science

  7. 普通高校图情院系科研力比较研究图书馆学要义

    Comparative Study of the Capacity of the Scientific Research in the College or Department of Library Science and Information Science in Ordinary Universities