
  • 网络literature resources construction;document resources building
  1. 论优化文献资源建设的新路向

    On New Way to Optimize Document Resources Building

  2. 文献资源建设中一个具有重要历史意义的会议&纪念全国文献资源布局学术讨论会20周年

    An Important Conference on the Document Resources Building in China & 20 Anniversaries of the Nanning Conference

  3. ISO模式下高校图书馆文献资源建设的质量监控&海南大学图书馆的文献资源建设

    On the Quality Control of the Academic Library Collection Development Based on the ISO Mode & An Example of the Hainan University Library

  4. CALIS环境下率先实施地区高校文献资源建设协调子系统的紧迫性及当前任务

    The Emergency of Carrying out Coordination Son System on District Universities Document Resource Construction in CALIS Environment and Present Tasks

  5. 文献资源建设是大学城图书馆建设的核心,它的最基本原则应该是与CALIS的总体发展目标相一致。

    The construction of document resources is the core of the construction of libraries in university towns whose basic principles should be in accordance with the CALIS overall target .

  6. 本文从CALIS系统的服务功能及其对高校图书馆文献资源建设的意义入手,对高校图书馆如何利用CALIS搞好文献信息资源建设,实现文献信息资源共建与共享进行了探讨。

    This article discusses the service function of CALIS and it 's meanings to the academic library , introduces the methods to fully apply CALIS to the Network resource construction and the resource development and sharing .

  7. 文章从开放存取的概念出发,阐述了当前国内外OA期刊的发展状况,研究了专业研究机构的文献资源建设与服务,提出专业图书馆宣传利用OA的现实意义。

    Starting from the conception of the open access , the article analysis the open access to journals home and abroad , discuss academic resources construction and information services in specialty libraries , and put forward the practical signification of open access to the journals application for specialty libraries .

  8. 关于高等学校院系资料室文献资源建设的思考

    Thoughts on Document Resource Construction for College and University Reference Room

  9. 教育学院图书馆文献资源建设新目标及策略

    New Objectives and Strategies for Collection Development in Education College Libraries

  10. 西北农林科技大学图书馆文献资源建设现状及评估情况分析

    Analysis of Library Document Construction in Northwest Sci-Tech University and Forestry

  11. 中小型城市公共图书馆文献资源建设要务

    The Document Resource Construction of the Small and Medium Public Libraries

  12. 高校图书馆评估及其文献资源建设探析

    On Academic Library Evaluation and Academic Libraries ' Document Resources Construction

  13. 高校图书馆文献资源建设的新思路

    New Ideas of the Construction of Literature Resources of University Library

  14. 文献资源建设;合理定位;高校图书馆。

    Literature resource construction ; Reasonable localization ; University library .

  15. 电子文献资源建设对图书馆发展的影响

    Electronic Information Resources Development and its Influences on the Development of Libraries

  16. 浅谈图书馆文献资源建设与导航服务工作

    On the construction of library document resources and guide service

  17. 以科学预测的方法指导文献资源建设

    Directing the Document Resource Construction at Libraries with Scientific Method

  18. 我国医学文献资源建设的主要矛盾及其对策

    Main contradictions of medical literature resource development in China and their countermeasures

  19. 新技术环境下县馆文献资源建设及其评价

    Construction and Evaluation of the Document Resources under the New Technical Environment

  20. 谈高校重点学科的文献资源建设

    A discussion about the construction of the document resources for key disciplines

  21. 从图书利用率看文献资源建设的合理性

    Rationality of Literature Resource Construction from the View of Book Utilization Ratio

  22. 复合图书馆文献资源建设及评价研究进展

    Research Progress of the Literature Resources Construction and Evaluation of Hybrid Library

  23. 论高校教学水平评估与图书馆文献资源建设

    Assessment of the Educational Level of Universities and Library Document Resources Construction

  24. 论信息技术革命对图书馆文献资源建设的影响

    The Influence of Information Technology Revolutionary on the Construction of Document Resources

  25. 文献资源建设研究进展

    Research Progress in the Development of Document and Information Resources

  26. 高校馆文献资源建设的合理定位及发展策略

    Reasonable localization and development strategy about literature resource construction of university libraries

  27. 谈信息时代高等院校灰色文献资源建设

    On the Grey Literature Construction of Colleges and Universities in Information Time

  28. 试论高职师院的文献资源建设

    Discussion about Literature Resources Development in Higher Vocational & Technical Teachers College

  29. 关于高校重点学科文献资源建设的思考

    Reflections on the Collection Development for Key Disciplines in Colleges and Universities

  30. 公共图书馆文献资源建设新思维

    Discussion on the New Thinking of Public Library 's Literature Resources Construction