
bǐ tǐ jī
  • specific volume
比体积[bǐ tǐ jī]
  1. 状态方程计算高分子共混物的比体积

    Calculation of specific volume of blends based on equations of state

  2. 添加1.0%的果胶粉,使蛋糕的比体积增加。

    Specific volume of cake became larger when 1.0 % of pectin was added .

  3. 基于均匀设计试验的LSAM配合比体积法设计

    Cubage of LSAM ′ s proportioning by using uniform design experiments

  4. 比体积表面能对奈米氧化铝晶粒成长的影响

    Effects of Specific Surface Energy on Growth of Nano-scaled Alumina Crystallites

  5. 一种提高低温流体比体积计算精度的方法

    A method to improve the accuracy of molar volume prediction for cryogenic fluids

  6. 研究了马铃薯全粉对面包的水分、酸度、比体积和感观品质的影响,并进行了面包的贮藏试验。

    The effects of whole potato flour ( PF ) on moisture , acidity , specific volume and sensory quality of bread were studied , and a test for bread preservation was carried out .

  7. 它们全然无畏,集结成队地出击、达成目标,随时准备着接受来自比自己体积大得多的动物挑战。

    They are completely fearless and will readily take on a creature much larger than themselves , attacking in large groups and overcoming their target .

  8. 本文提出用有机物在沉积物上的色谱比保留体积(Vg)值估算沉积物有机碳吸附系数(K∝)。

    The coefficient ( K_oc ) of organic carbon adsorption on river sediment can be estimated by determining the specific retention volume ( V_g ) of organic compounds on the sediment by gas chromatography .

  9. 实验中测定了探针分子在聚合物固定相中的保留时间,计算出比保留体积Vg°及X12。

    The keep times of probe molecules were determined in the experiment , then Vg ° and X_ ( 12 ) were calculated .

  10. 提出用色谱相对比保留体积(Vg(r))和分子连接世指数二元参数估算芳烃化合物水溶解度(Sw)。

    A new method for estimating the solubility of aromatic compound in water is discussed . Two parameters of the Vg ( r ) and the index of molecular connectivity are used to estimate the solubility of aromatic compound ( Sw ) in water .

  11. 比草叶体积大的人类应该保证身边有一架直升飞机。

    People who are bigger than that should keep a helicopter handy .

  12. 关于气相色谱比保留体积概念问题的商榷

    Discussion on the Concept Problem of the Specific Retention Volume in Gas Chromatography

  13. 但这三个星球比地球体积要大,组成成分也未知。

    But all three worlds are bigger than Earth , and their composition is uncertain .

  14. 气相色谱比保留体积法评选顺丁烯二酸酐非水回收用溶剂

    Evaluation of non-aqueous solvent for recovery of maleic anhydride by specific retention volume method through gas chromatography

  15. 测定了复合材料中不同复合比(体积%)对热膨胀性能的影响。

    The effect of component ratio ( in % of volume ) on thermal expansion was measured .

  16. 利用气相色谱相对比保留体积估算芳烃的正辛醇/水分配系数

    Evaluation of the Octanol / Water Partition Coefficient of Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Relative Specific Retention Volume of Gas Chromatography

  17. 气相色谱中比保留体积与分子碳数的关系

    The Linear Relations between Specific Retention Volumes in Gas Liquid Chromatography and Carbon Numbers of Stationary Liquids and Solutes

  18. 实验中制作出了高衍射效率和信噪比的体积全息光栅和反射全息图。

    The holographic volume gratings and reflection holograms having high diffraction efficiencies and signal noise ratio are also fabricated in experiment .

  19. 比保留体积随交换度变化的曲线在交换度为32&41%处有极大值。

    The curves of specific retention volume vs exchange ratio pass through a maximum when the exchange ratio is within 32-41 % .

  20. 他们还发现了另一颗比地球体积大的行星,开普勒69,它围绕的主恒星与太阳非常相似。

    They also found a somewhat larger than our earth planet around Kepler 69 , a star very similar to the sun .

  21. 以气液密度比、体积蒸发率相等为相似准则,试验研究了循环特性、冷包液位、截面含气率与热负荷的关系。

    The circulation characteristics , liquid level and void fraction in the moderator cell against the variation of the heat load were studied .

  22. 一定体积的铝比相同体积的银轻四分之一。

    The weight of a given volume of aluminum is nearly four times as light as that of an equal volume of silver .

  23. 研究了不同宽度的隔板式环流反应器中的气含率,循环比和体积传递系数。

    The gas hold-up , circulation ratio and the volumetric transfer coefficient of liquid in reactor with a separate plate of different sizes were investigated .

  24. 为原料的金属(铝或锌合金)是较昂贵的多次比同体积的材料在塑料。

    As a raw material metal ( aluminum or zinc alloy ) is many times more expensive than the same volume of material in plastic .

  25. 同等条件下,甲醇体积分数为35%、50%的甲醇汽油比甲醇体积分数为15%、25%和80%的甲醇汽油对汽油机油的抗磨性影响更大。

    The methanol gasoline with 35 % , 50 % methanol has bigger influence on antiwear property of engine oil than other proportion methanol gasoline under the same conditions .

  26. 考虑换热器异径布管方式,该结构比相同体积下传统换热器传热面积增加30%左右。

    The layout method of tubes with different diameters is considered in heat exchangers . The heat transfer area is increased 30 percent than the traditional heat exchangers ' .

  27. 解析分析和实验研究表明,这种结构电机的静转矩比同体积步进电机的静转矩有明显提高。

    Analysis and experiment show that the static torque of hybrid magnetic circuit multi couple electric machine is much higher than that of the hybrid stepping motor of the same volume .

  28. 热空气含的水汽,比同样体积的冷空气含的水汽多。空气冷却,水汽凝结,或者又变成液态水。

    Warm air can hold more vapor than the same amount of cool air . ( 2 ) Water vapor condenses , or changes back to liquid water , as air cools .

  29. 通过气相色谱比保留体积法测定了顺丁烯二酸酐在有机溶剂中的无限稀释活度系数γ∞,采用最小二乘法回归得顺丁烯二酸酐的理论收率。

    The infinite dilution activity coefficient γ ∞ was measured by specific retention volume method through gas chromatography , and the theoretical yield was calculated by using the least square regression method .

  30. 孔径分布与阴极极化性能之间关系的分析结果表明:伴随着300~500nm孔径的比孔体积增加,空气电极的极化性能提高。

    The analysis of the relationship between pore size distribution and cathodic polarization performance indicates that the polarization performance of air electrode increases with the increasing of the pore volume of 300 to 500 nm apertures .