
  • 网络Billie;billy
  1. 13年来,这只名叫比莉(Billie)的狗狗一直是我四条腿的“爱人”。

    For 13 years , " Billie " was the four-legged love of my life .

  2. 比莉哈乐黛是我最喜欢的爵士歌手。

    Billie Holiday is my favorite jazz singer .

  3. 杰克逊还打破了MTV的种族隔阂。专辑中歌曲《比莉·简》和《走开!》的大肆走红让以针对年轻人和摇滚乐为主的MTV频道无法忽视。因此,杰克逊成为首位登上该频道的黑人歌手。

    Jackson broke MTV 's color barrier.He became the first black artist to be prominently featured on that young ,

  4. 雅虎公司(Yahoo)前高管蒂姆•桑德斯现为作家和咨询师。他把祖母比莉在感恩和自信方面的洞见和经验写进了自己的新书《今天我们很富有》(TodayWeAreRich)。

    Tim Sanders , a former executive at Yahoo and currently an author and consultant , weaved his grandma Billye 's insights and lessons on gratitude and confidence into his latest book , Today We Are Rich .

  5. 纽约华裔美国艺术家比莉(Billi,奥卡菲娜[Awkwafina]饰)在电话里和她在中国的奶奶互相撒了些小谎。

    There are the petty lies that Billi ( Awkwafina ) , a Chinese-American artist in New York , and Nai Nai , her grandmother in China , tell each other on the phone .

  6. 她可能比莉贾娜乔治还辣。

    She might even be hotter than Regina george .

  7. 他明显比莉迪亚过得好

    Obviously , his heart is faring a little bit better than Lydia 's.

  8. 比莉住在南半球。

    Billie lives in the southern hemisphere .

  9. 后来比莉向桑德斯传授了吃山核桃的经验,“吃掉果实扔掉壳”。她拿了一个山核桃给他看,问道,“你能吃吗?”

    Billye showed him a pecan and asked him ," Can you eat this thing ?"

  10. 比莉。珍她不是我情人。

    Billie Jean Is Not My Lover .

  11. 一年后,我最后一次带比莉去了狗医院。

    A year later , I took Billie back to the dog hospital one last time .

  12. 不过,我渐渐发现,马克斯非常需要我,而比莉从不会这样。

    However , I was finding that Max needed me in a way Billie never had .

  13. 大概是1948年的时候,我们在这里和邦普斯布莱克韦尔青年乐团,一起和比莉·哈乐黛共同演出。

    And we played here like about 1948 withBumps Blackwell 's Junior Band with Billie Holiday .

  14. 她拥有比莉哈丽黛名传千古的典雅美声,以及约瑟芬贝克那深具感染力的笑容;

    She has the timeless elegance of Billie Holiday and the infectious smile of Josephine Baker .

  15. 比莉在寒冷的布鲁克林向奶奶保证,她戴了帽子。

    Billi , in chilly Brooklyn , assures Nai Nai that she 's wearing a hat .

  16. 比莉追在它后面,把它叼回给我。

    Billie took off after it and wandered back to me with it in her mouth .

  17. 然而,梅比莉是第一个在电子邮件中附带图片的人,这真让我有点恼火。

    However , Maybelle was the first to send emails with pictures , which really miffed me .

  18. 我是在观看过一出讲述蓝调歌手比莉哈乐黛生平的电影后,以她的名字命名的。

    I named her after seeing a theater production on the life of blues singer Billie Holiday .

  19. 比莉的亲人认为,对诊断结果的焦虑可能会先于癌症夺去她的生命。

    Anxiety over the diagnosis , Billi 's relatives argue , could kill her before the cancer .

  20. 后来,我在纽约的工作草草收场,比莉又跟着我回到了湾区。

    When the New York gig fizzled , Billie and I moved back to the Bay Area .

  21. 是《比莉·琼》温软而忧伤的切分调;还是《真棒》沙哑苦楚的呼啸。

    The soft , syncopated sadness of " Billie Jean ", or the raucous shouts of " Bad " .

  22. 比莉去世后,我没想过要再养一只狗,更不用说再付出这么多的感情。

    After Billie was gone I never thought I would have another dog , much less one I could love so completely .

  23. 《别告诉她》在电影《别告诉她》的开头,美籍华裔纽约人比莉(奥卡菲娜饰演)得知她亲爱的奶奶已经是癌症晚期。

    At the start of The Farewell , Chinese-American New Yorker Billi ( Awkwafina ) learns that her beloved grandmother has terminal cancer .

  24. 而比莉荷莉戴《纽约的秋天》里的高音调钢琴伴奏则有助于让人感受到南瓜布丁里那种秋天的风味。

    Meanwhile , the high-pitched piano in Billie Holiday 's Autumn in New York can help emphasise the autumnal flavour of a pumpkin pudding .

  25. 但比莉仍然无所畏惧,而且坚韧不拔,它很快就找到了在这些陌生的障碍物之间穿行的方法。

    But Billie remained fearless - and proved resilient - and she soon figured out how to maneuver her way around these new obstacle courses .

  26. 在整部电影中,比莉不断挑战她的家庭,她很难理解集体主义的观念,对她来说那和掌握普通话一样困难。

    Throughout the film , Billi repeatedly challenges her family and struggles to grasp the concept of collectivism just as much as she struggles to speak Mandarin .

  27. 多年后,我们依然生活在一起,在我们的房子里,放着比莉和马克斯的照片,还有一只聪明但脾气古怪的杰克罗素(犬的一种)。

    Years later we are still together , with photos of Billie and Max in the house - along with a crazy but brilliant Jack Russell terrier .

  28. 比莉·珍·金多年来一直致力于争取女性参加体育运动的公开权利。

    Janet Davison Rowley , actress Chita Rivera , and tennis great Billie Jean King , who devoted years to opening opportunities for woman and girls in sports .

  29. 现已96岁高龄的祖母比莉当时借给他100美元去开创自己第一宗生意。他在八年级时开了一个卖烟花的摊位。

    Grandma Billye , who is now96 years old , loaned him $ 100 to start his first business , a fireworks stand he established in the8th grade .

  30. 经过重重“磨难”的考验,我终于也喜欢上了马克斯——而且这种喜欢与对比莉不同——有时候,我甚至感觉自己“背叛”了比莉。

    And through our various trials I came to love Max , too - not like Billie ; in some ways it felt like a betrayal of Billie .