
hēi bái
  • black and white;b/w;right and wrong
黑白 [hēi bái]
  • (1) [black and white]∶黑色和白色的统称

  • (2) [right and wrong]∶比喻是非、善恶、清浊

黑白[hēi bái]
  1. 五彩缤纷的小花使得黑白图案不那么单调。

    The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers .

  2. 一只猫是黑白花色的,另一只猫是纯黑色的。

    One cat is black and white , the other solid black .

  3. 这部电影拍成有颗粒状的黑白片。

    The film is shot in grainy black and white .

  4. 那部电影拍成了黑白片。

    The movie was shot in black and white .

  5. 黑白旗落下,赛跑开始了。

    The black and white flag went down , and the race began .

  6. 玄关处的大厅铺着黑白相间的大理石地砖。

    The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles .

  7. 黑白圆点花纹的紧身连衣裙当时是最时尚的。

    The hip-hugging black and white polka-dot dress was the height of fashion

  8. 他为那本书配了一些黑白照片插图。

    He has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs .

  9. 1963年我们买了我们的第一台电视机——黑白的。

    We got our first set — black and white — in 1963 .

  10. 将一张黑白底片冲印到彩色相纸上会产生相似的单色效果。

    Printing a black-and-white negative on to colour paper produces a similar monochrome effect

  11. 这种墙纸只有黑白的。

    The wallpaper comes in black and white only .

  12. 一辆黑白相间的警车缓慢驶过。

    A black and white police car cruised past .

  13. 这些照片是黑白的。

    The pictures were in black and white .

  14. 他在大卫·林奇的电影《象人》中所拍摄的那些渲染气氛的黑白镜头受到了好评。

    He received praise for the atmospheric monochrome shots in David Lynch 's The Elephant Man .

  15. 那些毛色黑白相间的大熊猫温顺而可爱。

    Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable .

  16. 斑马的全身都有黑白条纹。

    The entire / whole body of a zebra is marked with black and white stripes .

  17. 黑白电视机跌价了。

    The prices of BW TV sets have gone down .

  18. 房间摆着黑白相杂的装饰品。

    The room is a mixture of black and white decorations .

  19. 昨天我哥哥买了一卷黑白胶卷。

    My brother bought a roll of black and white film yesterday .

  20. 他的黑白照片呈现了一个几乎迷失在时间里的世界。

    His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time .

  21. 他喜欢奇比的黑白画,于是把它们挂在墙上供人欣赏。

    He liked Chibi 's black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be admired .

  22. Cruella《黑白魔女库伊拉》库伊拉·德维尔在变成《101斑点狗》里杀狗成狂的女魔头之前是什么样的呢?

    Who was Cruella de Vil before she became the puppy-cidal maniac1 we met in 101 Dalmatians ?

  23. 例如:彩虹全息、三维众色、消色不对、假不黑白全息图、筹算机制全息图等。

    For example : caihong holographic radiotheraphy retarder ′ s , multi-color , true color hologram computer-generated hologram .

  24. 一旦动画从黑白中移开,米奇和他的好朋友们都会留下他们标志性的白手套。

    Once animation moved away from black and white , Mickey and his pals2 kept their signature white gloves .

  25. 这种光亮还会影响野生动植物,扰乱昆虫、鸟类和其它动物所遵循的黑白昼夜交替的周期。

    It also affects wildlife , disrupting the natural light-dark cycle that insects , birds and other animals are tuned1 into .

  26. 在黑白漫画的时代,将角色的圆形手与黑体分开是很难的。

    In the age of black and white cartoons , separating characters ’ round-edge hands from their black bodies was hard .

  27. 但愿《黑白魔女库伊拉》不要犯《沉睡魔咒》的错误,将一个足够邪恶的迪士尼女反派洗白成一个被误解的消沉的女主角。

    Let 's hope that Cruella doesn 't make the mistake Maleficent did , and turn a deliciously wicked Disney villainess into a mopey , misunderstood heroine .

  28. 你可能觉得,如果在试图避免被捕捉并被吞食的命运,那一身醒目的黑白图案可不是最好的办法。

    You might think if you 're trying to avoid being hunted down and eaten , that sporting a striking black and white pattern isn 't exactly the best way to do it .

  29. 用Wood模型拟合四川地区黑白花奶牛泌乳曲线的研究

    A Study on Wood Model in fitting lactation curve in Dairy Cattle

  30. B彩对病变的诊断准确率与黑白灰阶显示的结果相近,统计学无显著差异。

    The correct rates of diagnosis were no significant differences between color scale ultrasound and white-black ultrasound .