
  • 网络The Edge of Darkness;DARK EDGE;QMV
  1. 在黑暗的边缘,大约8个小时后,我转过身来,从距离地球568公里的高处,利用哈勃望远镜看到了地球。

    At the edge of darkness , after about eight hours , I turned around and saw the Earth from our altitude at Hubble , 568 kilometers up .

  2. 我们建议将与黑暗的边缘,因为他们也将匹配黑色帽子。

    We recommend going with the dark rims , because they will also match the black mirror caps .

  3. 乌云迅速地聚集在森林那黑暗的边缘上。哦,孩子,不要出去。

    Sullen clouds are gathering fast over the black fringe of the forest . O child , do not go out .

  4. 影像中,月球黝黑暗影边缘所镶的明亮光珠,其实是穿过月盘边缘低谷的阳光。

    Bright beads around the Moon 's dark silhouette are rays of sunlight shining through lunar valleys at the edge of the lunar disk .

  5. 大部分彗星主要由冰块构成,环绕太阳系黑暗的边缘运行,几乎超出了太阳的引力范围。

    Composed primarily of ices , most comets circle the dark fringes of the solar system , barely within the sun 's gravitational grasp .

  6. 在“复仇的呼唤”一章中,魁刚在黑暗面的边缘徘徊着,一心想杀死巴罗格为塔尔报仇。

    In The Call to Vengeance , Qui-Gon teeters on the brink of the dark side , obsessed with taking revenge on Balog for Tahl 's death .

  7. 同性恋长期以来一直被主流社会视为异类群体,饱受排挤压迫,生存在黑暗的边缘世界,成为边缘人。

    In the mainstream society , homosexuals are always considered to be aliens and forced to living in a gloomy world , being victims of oppression and " Marginal Men " .

  8. 但最近,多家公司已经开始计划更实惠的"亚轨道"飞行——在广阔黑暗的太空边缘进行更简短的冒险。

    But more recently , companies have begun to plan more affordable " suborbital " flights — briefer ventures just to the edge of spacers vast darkness .

  9. 黑暗之心的边缘人生&浅析《野草在歌唱》中的边缘人

    Life on the Edge of the Heart of Darkness & on " Marginal People " in Wild Grass Is Singing