
wén mài
  • context;unity and coherence in writing
文脉 [wén mài]
  • [unity and coherence in writing] 文章的线索

  1. PE模式下的景观文脉视点&以历史文化名城荆州为例

    The landscape context on the mode of PE : A case study on Jingzhou

  2. 当马克思主义的“dialectics”变成了中国的“辩证法”的时候,汉语的语言特点实际上使马克思主义辩证法经过了一个重新组合过程,进入一种新的语境文脉。

    When Marxist dialectics changes into China 's , the language character of Chinese makes Marxist dialectics undergo a new combinational process and enter a new kind of context .

  3. 流动文脉库哈斯的CCTV新总部大楼方案解读

    The Flux : Interpretation of the CCTV New Headquarters Project by Rem Koolhaas

  4. 追溯城市的历史文化发展,分析城市的历史地脉和文脉,对城市形象进行定位分析,确定城市的城市CI定位,从而得出城市的理念识别(MindIdentity)。

    Look back into the development of the historical culture , analyse the context of geography and culture and evaluate the city image , we can gain the position of the city identity , then the Mind Identity .

  5. Loft风格把废弃的工业建筑转化为一种生活和工作空间,使那些具有一定历史意义并能继续使用的工业建筑获得新生,保护和延续了城市文脉;

    Adapting old industrial buildings into living and working spaces , the loft movement protects the historic industrial buildings and keeps the context of city complete .

  6. 通过对西班牙Olite广场的介绍分析,从建筑语汇、文脉暗示以及精确的对位关系等几个方面对其进行解读,揭示Olite广场设计中所蕴涵的城市文化。

    By analyzing its architectural metaphor , historical implication , as well as its accurate homologous relationship , this paper introduces the design of Olite Square in Spain so as to reveal its urban context in city design .

  7. 地脉、文脉及旅游开发主题

    The terra , civil context and the subject of tourism exploitation

  8. 第二部分(第二章):文脉理论的研究。

    Second part ( chapter two ): research on context theory .

  9. 芬兰的现代建筑文脉悠久,驰名中外。

    The modern architecture of Finland is known across the world .

  10. 丽水旅游开发主题与文脉研究

    Study on the Exploitation Theme and Cultural Vein of Lishui Tourism

  11. 哈尔滨城市建筑的文脉与建筑形态规划控制

    Planning control on architectural context and forms of Harbin City

  12. 阐述城市景观的文脉与城市美的关联;

    Elaborating the connection between city aesthetics and the design of townscape ;

  13. 基于文脉延续的中国建筑史教学

    Teaching of history of Chinese architecture based on continuation of the context

  14. 日语句群中心句的文脉展开功能

    On the Elaborating Function of the Topic Sentence in Japanese Sentence Group

  15. 南昌的文脉与旅游形象塑造研究语境分析与文本解读

    Analysis on the Context and Tourism Image Creation of Nanchang

  16. 现代商业街建筑空间与传统文脉的结合

    Discusses the Fusion of Modern Commercial Street Space and the Traditional Culture

  17. 文脉·景观·功能与风景区建筑的形式探讨

    Discussion on Context , Landscape , Function and Scenic Spot Architectural Forms

  18. 边缘与休闲&以汕头为例探讨地方性城市的文脉建设

    Periphery and Recreation & Discussion on City Context Building in Provincial Cities

  19. 论地方文脉在旅游景观规划设计的价值

    The Importance of Local Context in the Tourism Landscape Planning and Design

  20. 巢湖市滨河景区历史文脉的保护与延续

    The protection and continuing of history continuation in Chaohu 's riverside landscape

  21. 第四章分析研究了澳门城市文脉的基本向度以及文脉特色的延续。

    The fourth chapter analyzed basic idea and continuity of contextual characteristics .

  22. 中国城市建筑的环境、文脉与风格

    Architectural Environment , Context and Style in Cities of China

  23. 从人性视点看城市局部地段公共空间中的地域文脉

    Context Studying in Public Space of Urban Local District from Humanity Eyesight

  24. 体系·空间·文脉&博山中心广场设计的思考

    System · space · context & the design of Boshan central square

  25. 从历史文化名城的保护谈历史文脉的延续问题

    Discussing continuous problems of historical context from protection of historical culture city

  26. 社会环境、历史文脉构成了语境的基本内容。

    The social environment and historical context construct product context .

  27. 侗族民间建筑的装饰特色及其文脉机制

    Decoration Characteristics and the Context System of the Dong 's Folk Dwelling

  28. 澳门城市环境与文脉研究

    Research on the Urban Environment and Context of Macau City

  29. 延续文脉构建和谐&武汉大学教工活动中心建筑设计

    Continue Cultural History and Construct Harmonious & Design of Wuhan University Staff Club

  30. 关中地域历史文脉考论基于集群创导的关中城镇化发展探讨

    Development discussion of urbanization in the central Shaanxi plain base on Cluster Initiative