
  1. 应弟子文英以下之提请,我已经手书了在金刚经结尾的闻名偈颂。

    As requested by disciple Boon Eng below I had written the famous gatha at the end of the Diamond Sutra in calligraphy .

  2. 基于弟子文英所编的版本,弟子敬行也编了一个供他自己日修的版本,并请我审订。

    Based on the version compiled by disciple Boon Eng , disciple Jing Xing had also came up with a version for his own daily pracitce , and sought my revision .

  3. 在去年的在法国斯特拉斯堡举行的第五届欧洲麻将锦标赛公开赛上,共有51支队伍参赛,而中国队最终以第37名尴尬收场,中国队个人最好成绩闫文英排30。

    At last year 's 5th Open European Mahjong Championship in Strasbourg , France , among the 51 teams , China finished an embarrassing 37th while the top Chinese player , Yan Wenying , was ranked 30th .