
  • 网络A Confucian Confusion;One Era
  1. 延斯魏德曼(jensweidmann)在法兰克福的一次讲话中表示,汇丰银行(hsbc)首席经济学家简世勋(stephenking)有关央行独立时代将要终结的预言“可能是对的”。

    In a speech in Frankfurt , Jens weidmann said that Stephen King , chief economist at HSBC , was " perhaps right " in forecasting an end to the era of central bank independence .

  2. 前者的的艺术来源于其个性,他们的作品几乎独立于时代之外。

    The art of the former has its source in their personality ; their work is almost independent of the epoch in which they live .

  3. 她是一名分裂型人格障碍患者,属于内倾型作家,其作品独立于时代的主流文学之外,在思想艺术手法方面显示出与现代主义文学的相通之处。

    Suffering from the split personality , she is an introrse writer , her writings are different from the main trend of literature of that time , but the ideology and art are in common with modernist literature .

  4. 由于当代的国际民族问题在形式与内容上都明显地有别于民族独立运动时代和冷战时代的国际民族问题,这一理论范畴还有待于在更广阔的学术视野中得到进一步深化和系统化。

    Because the contemporary international problems are obviously different from those in the era of national liberation and in the Cold War era both in form and content , the theory of international problems concerning nations and ethnic groups needs further development and systematization in broader academic fields of look .

  5. 检察权的独立行使在列宁时代已被充分强调。

    It was specially stressed in Lenin 's time that the procuratorial powers are independently exercised .

  6. 因此,19世纪末,关于杰斐逊总统独立农民理念的时代已经结束了。

    And so , by the end of the nineteenth century , the era of Jefferson 's independent farmer had come to a close .

  7. 文明起源不是一次完成的历史事件,而是长达5000年的世界历史过程,一个相对独立的世界历史时代。

    The origin of civilization is not a historical event that was completed once and for all . Rather , it is a world historical process that had been going on for as long as 5000 years . It is a relatively independent world historical epoch that has three phases .