
  • 网络Independent verification;independent verifieation;validation
  1. 区分良恶性病变的最近的质心预测规则在一个训练装置上被建立,其表现在一个独立验证装置上被评估。

    A nearest centroid prediction rule was developed to classify lesions as malignant or benign on a training set , and its performance was assessed on an independent validation set .

  2. 现在考虑一个可能开始于Web客户端、穿过一个移动应用程序、然后再回到Web的测试场景,甚或是一个针对数据库后端的独立验证已不再符合实际了。

    It 's not unreasonable to think about a test scenario that might start on a web client , move through a mobile app and then back to web , and maybe an independent verification against the database backend .

  3. 罗琴科夫的说法未能得到独立验证,但它和世界反兴奋剂机构(WorldAnti-DopingAgency,简称WADA)去年发布的一份报告的主要结论相吻合。

    Rodchenkov 's account could not be independently verified , but it was consistent with the broad findings of a report published last year by the World Anti-Doping Agency .

  4. 完成了FPGA内部程序的设计,包括初始化模块、图像采集模块、图像存储模块、VGA显示模块,并对各个模块的功能做了独立验证。

    The programs in FPGA are designed , which include initialization module , image acquisition module , image data storage module , VGA display module , and all modules are tested independently .

  5. 收购和兼并的数据经过英国各地方发展局的独立验证。

    Acquisitions were independently validated and verified by the UK development agencies .

  6. 它们是基于各国政府提供的数字,未经独立验证。

    They were based on figures provided by national governments , and have not been independently verified .

  7. 结果,许多投资者表示,对结构融资的评级很难独立验证。

    As a result , many investors say , ratings in structured finance are hard to corroborate independently .

  8. 通过使用规则组合流,您就可以清晰地建模整个规则引擎行为,并独立验证各规则。

    By using rule groups and flows , you can clearly model the overall rule engine behavior and validate the rules in isolation .

  9. 请注意,这个规则定义可独立验证和理解,因而无需理解其他可能在此规则之前或之后执行的规则。

    Notice that this rule definition can be validated and understood in isolation ; there is no need to understand any rules that may have been executed prior to this one or any rules that follow .

  10. 由于赖特较早前提供的证据被质疑与2009年一笔比特币交易相似,他曾表示可以展示从“一个早期区块”转移比特币,并提供“可独立验证的文档”。

    Mr Wright had said he could show a transfer of bitcoin from " an early block " and " independently verifiable documents " after earlier evidence he provided was questioned as it bore similarity to a 2009 bitcoin transaction .

  11. 一个是建立独立的验证服务,通过第三方处理卖家的请求;

    One is an independent verification service through which third parties vet the claims made by sellers ;

  12. 为了避免导致验证错误,应该对出现错误的文档运行独立的模式验证。

    To isolate the cause of a validation failure , you should run a standard schema validation on the document in error .

  13. 这将允许对各规则进行独立测试和验证,随后可以将这些规则合并成为更复杂的行为。

    Doing so allows for independent testing and validation of each rule separately , then these rules can be combined into more complex behaviors .

  14. 我们最初的测试是室内和现场的测试,结果由独立实验室进行验证。因此,这个测试是公平和公正的。

    Our initial testing is performed in-house and field tested , and then results are verified by independently laboratories . Therefore , the testing is fair and unbiased .

  15. 利用误差样本平均归一化自相关函数,可以对所抽取的数据独立性进行验证,同时为改进数据处理方法提供依据。

    To validate the independency of data , we can using the average autocorrelation function of error swatch , it can also offer thereunder to ameliorate the method of disposing data .

  16. 然后建立双横臂式前独立悬架,验证模型成功后,进行动力学分析。

    Then make double cross arm active suspension model . After validating the accuracy specification of the suspension model , we simulate the model and analyze the dynamics of the model .

  17. 采用氨基酸组成成分分析表示蛋白质序列,在自相容验证、留一法验证和独立测试集验证等三种实验模型上都取得了良好的效果。

    Meanwhile , amino acid composition is em-ployed to represent the protein sequence . Experimental results show that our method can achieve better performance in the self-consistency test , the jackknife test and the independent data set test . 2 .

  18. 通过方差分析、相关性分析对综合评价模型等级分类的可行性和所包含指标的独立性进行验证。

    We then used the ' analysis of variation ( ANOVA )' methodology to test the feasibility of distinguishing the ability of emergency response among different county health units and correlation analysis was used to assess the independence of indicators in the assessing model .

  19. ATLAS的研究结果仍需要独立的机构进行验证。

    The ATLAS data still need to be reviewed and confirmed by an independent board .

  20. 照片的真实性无法得到独立消息来源的验证。

    The photo 's authenticity couldn 't be independently verified .

  21. 3~5岁儿童独立性结构的验证性因素分析

    A Confirmatory Study on the Structure of Independence in Children Aged 3 to 5 Years

  22. 这些模块允许在一个系统上联合或独立使用多个验证机制。

    These modules allow multiple authentication mechanisms to be used together or independently on a system .

  23. 独立样本T检验证实了拥有高人力资本存量的企业绩效优于拥有低人力资本存量的企业绩效。

    Independent sample T test confirms that company performance with high human capital stock is superior to company performance with low human capital stock .

  24. 用多元回归法与独立样本T检验验证假设检验,通过统计学方法测算出消费者在各个评价指标中,存在的感知和期望的明显差异,找出我国汽车金融业有待提高的地方。

    Nevertheless , by using multiple regression method and the independent samples T test to verify hypothesis testing , and work out the marked difference between " Perception " and " expectations " exist in consumers by using statistical methods through all the evaluation indexes .