
dú lì sī kǎo
  • Independent thinking;of an independent mind;think things out for oneself
独立思考[dú lì sī kǎo]
  1. 好的教师鼓励独立思考。

    A good teacher encourages independence of thought .

  2. 女孩子更擅长需要独立思考的开放式任务。

    Girls do better on open-ended tasks that require them to think for themselves .

  3. 例如,我喜欢哈罗德发现如何独立思考的那一章。

    I enjoyed , for instance , the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own .

  4. 历史课除了可以学习历史知识外,还可以帮助学生独立思考。

    In addition to learning about he past , history teaching can help students to think for themselves .

  5. 如果现在小学、中学、大学都有很好的创新创业课程,锻炼学生的想象力,锻炼学生独立思考能力和突破能力,那么未来中国的创新就不是一个问题。

    Innovation will not be a problem if students start attending innovation courses and receive training on imagination and independent thinking starting in primary school .

  6. 只有在最危险的任务,才会需要使用到独立思考性够高的ARC士兵。

    ARC troopers were used for only the most dangerous missions that require a substantial amount of independent thought .

  7. ACT考试是一种学科考试,它更强调考生对课程知识的掌握,同时也考虑到了对考生独立思考和判断能力的测试。

    ACT is much more inclined to test the learning of subjects , stressing on grasping the knowledge from courses and testing students'abilities of independent thinking and deciding as well .

  8. Gatto宣称,公共学校体制由专家设计,培养依赖性很强的人,无法独立思考,无法照顾自己。

    Gatto asserts that the public school system is expertly designed to produce dependent human beings who cannot think for themselves or take care of themselves .

  9. 我们并不总是受到独立思考的训练。

    We have not always been taught to think for ourselves .

  10. 应该鼓励他们独立思考。

    They ought to be encouraged to think their own thoughts .

  11. 大力倡导独立思考的科学精神

    Devote Major Efforts to Initiate the Scientific Spirit of Independent Thinking

  12. 有些学生具有独立思考的能力。

    Some of the students have an ability of independent thinking .

  13. 好教师总是鼓励学生独立思考。

    C.good teachers often encourage their students to think for themselves .

  14. 而他的独立思考帮助他找到事情真相。

    And his independent thinking helped him to find the truth .

  15. 这训练了他的耳朵[培养了他独立思考的能力]。

    It trained his ear [ ability to think independently ] .

  16. 波尔舍的优点之一就是独立思考能力。

    One of the strengths of Porsche is our independent thinking .

  17. 新的教学方式鼓励孩子们独立思考。

    The new teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves .

  18. 我的怀疑主义精神,让我逐渐形成了独立思考的能力。

    My skepticism has helped me develop an ability to think independently .

  19. 发展独立思考和独立判断能力;

    It is necessary to develop abilities of independent thinking and judgment ;

  20. 同时,他也强调了独立思考和独立生活的重要性。

    But he further stresses the importance of thinking and living independently .

  21. 他们长大以后会独立思考这些问题的。

    When they grow up they 'll think things out for themselves .

  22. 这能锻炼孩子独立思考的能力。

    This trains children to think about what is next .

  23. 它需要的是能够独立思考的人。

    What is needed are people who can think independently .

  24. 通过这些简单的问题来培养孩子独立思考和有效沟通的能力。

    These questions teach children to be effective critical thinkers and communicators .

  25. 独立思考后再行事之人;

    The man who bases his actions on independent thought ;

  26. 独立思考的提出是有其历史性的。

    The advance of the Independent Thinking has its own historical significance .

  27. 独立思考对学习是绝对必需的。

    Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study .

  28. 广征博引诸家学说与独立思考相结合;

    Combine quotation of various theories and independent thinking ;

  29. 我用不着完没了地同你谈独立思考的重要性。

    I need not din into your ears the importance of independent thinking .

  30. 他们的独立思考能力以及决策力也使他们今后向领导层发展奠定了基础。

    Their independent thinking and decision-making abilities also prepare them for leadership roles .