
  • 网络Independent estimates
  1. 对因校舍垮塌而遇难的儿童人数的独立估算,得出了类似数据,但这些数据据信是不完整的。

    Independent estimates of the number of children killed in school collapses have reached a similar figure but are believed to be incomplete .

  2. 说得复杂一点,群体有智慧的观点则为一种监管理念提供了理由,这种理念试图复制证实高尔顿观察结果(即存在对同一变量的许多种独立估算)所必需的条件。

    At a sophisticated level , the idea provides a rationale for a regulatory philosophy that attempts to reproduce the conditions required for the validity of Galton 's result - the existence of many independent estimates of the same variable .

  3. 2010年夏天席卷俄罗斯西部、造成约5.6万人死亡(根据保险公司的独立估算)的野火是由全球变暖引起的吗?

    Did the wildfires that swept western Russia in the summer of 2010 killing some 56000 people , according to the independent estimate of the insurance company result from global warming ?

  4. 智利的财政法要求政府在经济处于充分就业且铜价处于长期均衡价格(由独立委员会进行估算)之上时必须保持预算盈余。

    In Chile a fiscal law obliges the government to run budget surpluses whenever the economy is at full employment and the copper price is above its long-run equilibrium , as estimated by an independent panel .