
  • 网络BUYER;Fashion Buyer;Fashion Buying
  1. 从位于苏格兰的圣安德鲁斯大学毕业后,凯特曾为英国的一个服装品牌Jigsaw做过时尚买手。

    Kate worked as an accessories buyer for Jigsaw , a British clothing brand , after graduation from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland .

  2. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据显示,时尚买手年均收入约为61000美元。

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the average fashion buyer makes around $ 61000 per year .

  3. 因此香港时尚买手学院被业界誉为:“颠覆时尚的摇篮”。

    IFB has been recognized as " The cradle of Overturn the fashion " .

  4. 流行的幕后一组:时尚买手

    Fashion Buyers , people behind the scenes

  5. 时尚买手,尽管你可能自己创业了,但通常也都是为连锁店和百货公司工作。

    Fashion buyers typically work for retail chains and department stores , albeit you start your own business .

  6. 因此,时尚买手的工作需要对时尚的过去,现在和将来的趋势有所理解。

    Therefore , the job of the fashion buyer is to understand the fashion trends of the past , present , and future .

  7. 拥有众多时装设计师及高级时尚买手分布世界各地,产品个性而不张扬,内敛而不乏灵动,集合非正式场合着装需求功能。

    Products are unique but not provocative , reserved but not inactive , and combine features to meet requirement of dressing in unofficial occasion .

  8. 如果你想从事与时尚相关的工作,为什么不做一名时尚买手呢?

    If you are looking for a job in a fashion industry , why not become a fashion buyer ?