
shí yán
  • time delay;delay time;time-lag;delay period
时延[shí yán]
  1. Pattern时延差编码四信道水声通信技术研究

    Study of 4-channel underwater acoustic communication based on pattern time delay shift coding system

  2. 对于单频GPS接收用户,电离层时延是重要的测距误差。

    For the single frequency GPS user , the time delay in ionosphere is important mistake .

  3. Pattern时延差编码通信体制的抗多途性能分析

    Analysis the Anti-multipath Capability of Pattern Time Delay Shift Coding Scheme

  4. Internet链路时延推测的研究

    Internet Link Delay Estimation 's Study

  5. 参数和时延不确定性离散时间系统的H∞鲁棒控制

    Robust H_ ∞ control for discrete-time systems with parameter uncertainty and time-delayed uncertainty

  6. CsSync1000型罗兰C接收机系统时延的测量方法

    Delay Measurement Methods of Cs Sync 1000 Loran-C Receiver System

  7. GPS共视时间比对中的几何时延改正

    Correction of Geometric Delay Errors for GPS Common View Time Comparisons Between Remote Clocks

  8. 移动IP切换过程中,由于时延的增加导致TCP性能的下降。

    In MIP handover , the increase of delay reduces the TCP capability .

  9. 采用E~2CN拥塞控制的TCP连接时延模型分析

    TCP Connection Delay of Using E ~ 2 CN Congestion Control

  10. IP包时延变化;

    IP packet delay variation ;

  11. 用扩展KALMAN滤波器计算多径下两路间时延

    Time Delay Estimation of Two Independent Receivers in Multipath Using the Extended Kalman Filter

  12. 低时延两通道PRFIR滤波器组的设计

    Design of Two-Band PR FIR Filter Banks with Low Delay

  13. 首先,我们介绍基于传统IP组播的IPTV系统中所碰到的频道切换问题以及频道切换时延的构成。

    First , we introduce the channel zapping in contemporary IPTV system based on IP multicasting .

  14. LFM脉冲雷达回波Doppler与多径时延的联合估计

    Joint Estimation of Doppler and Multipath Time Delay of Overlapping Echoes for LFM Pulse Radar

  15. 基于LMS自适应算法的瞬态信号时延估计

    Time-delay Estimation Based on LMS Adaptive Algorithm for Transient Signal

  16. 一种时延驱动的VLSI布局方法

    A Method of VLSI Timing Driven Pl a cement

  17. 仿真结果表明,该机制有效的改善了IP网络上语言传输的端到端的时延和抖动。

    Simulation experiments results show that it significantly improves End-to-End delay and jitter or delay variation of voice traffic transmission over IP network .

  18. 非实时业务的QOS特性主要包括其对时延的要求很低,对速率和可靠性的要求却很高。

    QoS of non-real-time services mainly include low requirements of time delay and high requirements of rate and reliability .

  19. MOSVLSI数字电路分区间时延建模方法

    Piecewise Delay Modeling of MOS VLSI Digital Circuits

  20. SC网络灵敏度、群时延和群时延灵敏度计算的新方法

    A New Method for Calculating SC Network Sensitivity , Group Delay and Group Delay Sensitivity

  21. 小波包在Chirp信号检测与时延估计中的应用

    The Application of Wavelet Packet in the Chirp Signal Detection and Time Delay Estimation

  22. 这些结论表明,影响Internet性能的关键因素之一的通信时延在Internet通信过程中起着重要的作用。

    These results exhibit that the communication delay is one of the key factors to affect the Internet capability and plays an important role in communicating process of the Internet .

  23. 为了有效的联合估计在脉冲噪声存在时的时延和多普勒频移,给出了一种基于p阶循环模糊函数的方法。

    For jointly estimating time delays and Doppler shifts in the presence of impulse noise , a new algorithm is proposed , which utilizes the p th order cyclic ambiguity function .

  24. 以MIMO频率选择性衰落情况下联合信道估计与信号检测为背景,提出了一种时延域粒子滤波。

    In the background of MIMO frequency selective channel estimation , a time delay domain particle filtering is suggested .

  25. 提出了一种IEEE802.11无线局域网环境下移动IPv6的低时延切换方法NDPR。

    This paper presents NDPR , a scheme of low-latency mobile IPv6 handoff for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs .

  26. 针对多输入多输出多重时延非线性系统,提出了一种自适应模糊跟踪控制方案.该方案有机综合了自适应控制和H∞控制。

    This paper presents an adaptive fuzzy tracking control scheme for MIMO nonlinear systems with multiple time delays . The scheme synthesizes adaptive control and H-infinity control .

  27. 针对OFDM系统的无线信道中非整数倍采样间隔多径时延的LS信道估计性能及其误差对系统误码性能的影响进行了理论分析和仿真实验。

    Effect of non-sample-spaced multipath on LS channel estimation and that on BER performance of OFDM system was studied .

  28. 在对不同调度器模型服务时延敏感型业务的QoS性能对比中采用了排队论相关知识来进行分析。

    In this thesis , the queue theory is used to compare the QoS performances of different schedulers under scenarios with delay-sensitive traffics .

  29. MN在子网间的切换会引入切换时延,部分数据包有可能在切换过程中被丢失。

    However , when MN roams across subnets , handover delay is introduced , and some of the data packets could be lost .

  30. 采用TDMA时隙分配算法减少网络时延。

    The algorithm for assigning TDMA time slot reduces overall delays of network .