
  • 网络physical network
  1. 婚联的隐喻衔接链有一定的形式和结构,是隐喻组织语篇的有形网络。

    The cohesive chains have certain forms and structures in wedding couplets , which is the visible network for the discourse construction .

  2. 显性衔接是语篇的有形网络,体现在语篇的表层结构上,它包括照应、替代、省略、连接词和词汇衔接,是语篇衔接的主要手段。

    The former is a tangible network , which finds expressions in the surface structure of discourse , including reference , substitution , ellipsis , conjunctions .

  3. 语篇的衔接是语篇的语言特征之一,衔接是语篇的有形网络,体现在语篇的表层结构上;

    As the linguistic feature of the text , cohesion is the visible network of the text , and it is displayed on the level of surface structure .

  4. 传统专业市场是网上贸易市场交易的基础,电子商务则为专业市场的升级提供了有力支撑,有形市场网络化将是一种最适合中国国情的电子商务模式。

    The traditional professional market is base of Internet trade and the E-Business is the upgrade of tangible market .

  5. 在现代经济中,许多产品(用户)处于网络之上。其中,一些产品(用户)处于有形的物理网络之中,然而更多的产品(用户)则处于无形的虚拟网络之上。

    In modern economy , there are many products ( clients ) in the network , and some of them exist in the tangible network , while more of them are located in the intangible virtual network .