
  • 网络Transport efficiency
  1. 介绍了澳大利亚BHP铁矿公司利用无线ECP等新技术开行重载列车的情况,阐述了采用新技术对提高运输效率、改善列车运行性能等所带来的好处。

    The operation of heavy haul trains with the application of new techniques of radio-controlled ECP , etc. by BHP Iron Ore Company in Australia is described . The benefits brought by application of new techniques in improvement of transport efficiency and operation performance of trains are expounded .

  2. 它们在运输效率上排名第二,仅次于石油管道。

    They are second in transport efficiency only to oil pipelines .

  3. 基于DEA模型的11家钢铁企业铁路运输效率的实证研究

    Practice researching on railway transportation efficiency under DEA model for 11 Iron & Steel Enterprises

  4. 磁浮列车自动防护系统(ATP)是确保列车行车安全、提高列车运输效率的安全控制系统。

    The Maglev ATP ( Automatic Train Protection ) system is a system for ensuring the Maglev safety and high-efficiency .

  5. 基于图像检测与处理技术的交通车辆识别系统是智能交通系统(IntelligentTransportationsystem,ITS)中提高交通运输效率、减少交通车辆犯罪等问题的基本手段之一。

    Traffic vehicle recognition system based on the image detecting technology and image processing technology is the basic means to improve traffic transportation efficiency and reduce traffic vehicle crimes in Intelligent Transportation System ( ITS ) .

  6. 为确保列车运行安全,提高运输效率并增强市场竞争力,铁路部门提出了发展适于我国国情的CTCS(ChineseTrainControlSystem)系统策略。

    In order to guarantee the safety of train operation , improve the transportation efficiency and market competitiveness , the system strategy of CTCS ( Chinese Train Control System ) is proposed by railway department based on the national situations .

  7. 在功能方面,测速测距是ATP系统的重要功能之一,对列车速度和位置的精确测量能保障列车的行车安全并提高线路的运输效率。

    In terms of function , the speed and position measurement is an important part of ATP . Accurate measurement of train speed and position ensures safety of train running and improves transportation efficiency .

  8. 最后通过对其中的不确定因素进行敏感性分析从而找出影响运输效率的敏感性因素,得出ZH公司还应增加拖车的结论。

    At last we will make the sensitivity analysis to find out the uncertain factors . And conclusion that ZH company should increase trailers .

  9. 本文对包钢白云鄂博铁矿80t电机车在各区间的牵引定数进行了计算,为增加80t电机车的牵引定数,提高白云鄂博铁矿的铁路运输效率提供了理论依据。

    The hauling number for 80t haulage motor on each zone is calculated , which provides theoretic reference to improve the fixed number and transportation efficiency .

  10. AHS不单指某种或某几种技术,更代表了一种全新的理论和思维方式,是人们对提高交通运输效率进行探索的最新成果。

    AHS is not only a or several technology , but also represent a completely new theory and thinking mode , and it is a new achievement during human exploring the improvement of traffic transportation efficiently .

  11. 市场经济下公路运输效率的新定义及评价

    New Concept and Appraise of the Highway Efficiency Under Market Economy

  12. 提高运输效率,包括燃料转换和大宗运输;

    Greater efficiency in transportation , including fuel switching and mass transport ;

  13. 道岔转换设备是直接关系到行车安全及运输效率的重要设备。

    Switch transaction devices are the important ones to transport safety and efficiency .

  14. 从而严重制约运输效率,威胁铁路运输安全。

    That restricts the transport efficiency badly , and threats railroad conveyance safety .

  15. 城市客运交通体系是影响城市交通运输效率的一个至关重要的因素。

    Urban passenger transport system is an important factor to affect urban transportation efficiency .

  16. 中国铁路运输效率世界第一

    China Leads the World in Railway Transportation Efficiency

  17. 车次号确认系统对提高运输效率有重要的意义。

    Train ID verification system plays a very important role in raising transportation efficiency .

  18. 永平铜矿采矿场汽车道路与运输效率的分析

    Study and analysis of truck road slopes and haulage efficiency in Yongping Copper Mine

  19. 因此,提高铁路运输效率迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is important and emergency to improve the rail transportation efficiency .

  20. 同时,给出提高集装箱运输效率的建议。

    At the sometime we give the suggestion to improve the efficiency of container transportation .

  21. 栓塞降低了植物水分运输效率,对植物的生理活动有极大的影响。

    Embolism decreases water transport efficiency , which has a great impact on other physiological processes .

  22. 航运企业要达到提高运输效率和经济效益,在其管理中仅凭经验是不够的。

    Experience is far from enough for shipping enterprise to promote transporting efficiency and economic benefit .

  23. 这种效应影响物流过程中库存和运输效率。

    Such effect has an influence upon stock and transport efficiency in the course of logistics .

  24. 路径安排合理能有效提高运输效率、降低服务成本。

    A reasonable routing arrangement can largely improve the transportation efficiency and reduce the service cost .

  25. 路基所处的状态,对运输效率和行车安全影响极大。

    The state of roadbed have a great impact of the transport efficiency and driving safety .

  26. 提高运输效率、优化物流配送线路成为了重要的问题。

    Improving transport efficiency and optimizing logistics and distribution routes have been becoming a critical problem .

  27. 列车的定位技术是提高列车行车安全级别及运输效率的关键技术。

    Train location is the key technology to improve the level of train traffic safety and transport efficiency .

  28. 列车运行控制系统(简称列控系统)是保障高速铁路行车安全、提高运输效率的核心。

    Train Control System is the core of protecting high-speed railway traffic safety and improving the transport efficiency .

  29. 必须加强运营管理,提高运输效率。

    We must emphasize the importance of port plan ,( strengthen ) the business management and improve transport efficiency .

  30. 准移动闭塞是一种既能保证行车安全,又能提高运输效率的信号制式。

    Moving like block is a kind of signal system which can ensure running safety and raise transportation efficiency .