
  1. 承运人运输责任是海商运输法的核心。

    The liability of a carrier is the core of Maritime Transport law .

  2. 矿井提升机常被人们称为矿山的咽喉,肩负着矿石、物料、人员等的重要运输责任。

    The mine elevator is often called by the people the pharynx and larynx of mine , is shouldering the ore , the material , the personnel and so on important transportation responsibility .

  3. 集装箱运输承运人责任限制

    Limitation Liability of Container Carrier

  4. 海上货物门到门运输承运人责任制度研究

    A Research on the Liability of the Carrier under Carriage of Goods by Sea " Door-to-Door " Transport

  5. 调整我国港口间关于旅客运输赔偿责任限制方面的社会关系的法规。

    Provisions for the Limitation of Liability with Respect to the Carriage of Passengers Between the Ports of the P.R.C.

  6. 介绍了运输企业责任会计中存在的问题,并提出了今后如何改进的对策与措施。

    The countermeasures against the problems in implementing the system of liability accounting in areas of transport industries are given .

  7. 本论文以国际航空货物运输承运人责任相关的国际条约、国内立法、司法判例为研究对象,通过理论分析、实证研究的方法,考察了国际航空货物运输承运人责任制度。

    This thesis studies the international air cargo carrier liability by analyzing relevant international treaties , legislation and judicial cases in different countries .

  8. 论我国旅客运输赔偿责任限制制度&以东航11.21空难的赔偿方案为视角

    The Discuss on the system of liability limitation of Passenger transportation in China & in the perspective of compensation of 11.21 aviation accident

  9. 航空运输安全责任重大,一旦发生事故,往往会造成极大的社会经济和人民生命财产损失。

    The safety take a very important role in aviation transportation for it would cause enormous loss of life and property once there was an accident .

  10. 解决法律适用问题首先要分析国际公约与国内法的关系以及航空运输民事责任的识别问题。

    Resolving legal issues applicable first to the analysis of the relationship between the international conventions and domestic law , as well as air transport civil liability recognition .

  11. 道路运输承运人责任险制度安排的民法学与社会学分析承运人无单放货保险人是否承担责任的探讨

    Analysis of Motor Carrier s Cargo Liability Insurance Based on Civil Law and Sociology ; On the Responsibility of the Insurer for Releasing Cargo Without Bill of Lading by Carrier

  12. 从对集装箱性质的分析入手,通过对与集装箱运输货物责任相关问题的研究及各国实践做法的介绍,试图使集装箱运输货损责任的认定清晰化、简单化。

    From the analysis of the nature of containers and some else questions on the transport by containers , and from the instruction of some foreign practices of law , this article tries to make the responsibility for the loss of goods more simple and more clear .

  13. 《铁路特种车工作量与成本计算系统》是专门为中铁特货运输有限责任公司提供准确、详细的车辆运输工作量和成本信息数据而设计开发的。

    This paper mainly focuses on design and implementation of Workload and Cost Computing System for Railway Special Vehicles . It is a novel information system which has been designed for Railway Special Cargo Transport Co. , Ltd. of China to provide accurate and detailed vehicles transport workload and cost .

  14. 论《海牙规则》首要义务原则&兼评UNCITRAL运输法承运人责任基础条款

    On the Doctrine of Overriding Obligation Under Hague Rules & And Commentary on the Provision of the Basis of the Liability Under the UNCITRAL Draft Instrument on Transport Law

  15. 海上货物运输港口经营人责任探析

    Argument on the Responsibility of the Maritime Transport Operator of Port

  16. 国际航空运输规则和责任制度的现代化

    Modernization of the Rules and Liability for International Carriage by Air

  17. 本文主要针对水路货物运输下合同责任问题进行分析研究。

    This article mainly analyses the contract liability under waterway transport of goods .

  18. 论海上危险货物运输承运人的责任

    Duty of the Person Who in Charge of the sea Transportation of Dangerous Goods

  19. 有关海上核材料运输的民事责任公约

    Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material

  20. 货物运输保险除外责任

    Exclusive Liability of Cargo Transportation Insurance

  21. 张明(音译)是黑龙江省陆海通道国际货物运输代理有限责任公司的副总经理。

    Zhang Ming , deputy general manager of the Heilongjiang Land-Sea Route International Freight Forwarding Corporation .

  22. 国内航班提高赔偿责任限额&《国内航空运输承运人赔偿责任限额规定》发布

    Domestic Flight Compensation Limit Raised

  23. 集装箱运输发货人责任

    Liability of Container Shipper

  24. 《雅典公约》的最新发展及对我国海上旅客运输承运人赔偿责任限制的影响

    Recent Development of Athen 's Convention and Influence on China 's Carrier 's Limitation of Carriage of Passengers by Sea

  25. 第四部分则对沿海货物运输迟延交付责任的赔偿范围进行了研究。

    The fourth part studied on the scope of compensation for the delay in delivery of the responsibility of coastal carriage of goods .

  26. 类似的事情也可能发生在“联合国关于国际贸易中的运输终端操作员责任的公约(1994)”中。

    Something similar may happen in the United Nations Convention on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals in International Trade ( 1994 ) .

  27. 本文通过对铁路运输企业承担责任的安全保障义务、责任基础、归责原则等问题进行分析,从而对铁路运输企业对旅客人身损害的责任承担、损害赔偿等问题进行研究。

    This paper manages to settle when passenger suffers personal damages during the train traveling , the problem of the responsibility of railway transportation enterprises undertake as well as the problem of the scope of liability to pay compensation .

  28. 矿井提升机作为矿山的咽喉,肩负着人员、矿产、设备等运输的重要责任,其调速性能的可靠性和安全性是至关重要的。

    Mine hoist plays an important role in the mine ; it assumes some responsibility of transporting human beings , mining , equipment , and other things , so the reliability and security of hoist speed performance are essential .

  29. 在基础理论部分,对海上运输中雇主责任的概念、范围、性质进行了界定,确认了无过错责任是海上运输中雇主责任的归责原则;

    In the basic theory part , it gives a boundary between the concept , scope and the character of the employer 's liability in the field of carriage by sea , affirms the strict liability is the doctrine of liability fixation of employer 's liability .

  30. 沿海运输中承运人的责任

    Elementary Analysis on the Liability of Carrier in Coastal Transportation