
  • 网络modern competition theory
  1. 现代竞争理论的发展与流派

    Development and Schools of Modern Competition Theory

  2. 现代竞争理论的产生是以打破了把完全竞争作为现实和理想竞争状态的传统模式为主要标志的。

    The formulation of the modern competition theory is breaking the traditional mode that takes complete competition as the realistic and ideal competition state .

  3. 继而,克拉克实现了竞争理论由古典竞争理论向现代竞争理论的过渡。

    Then , Clark realized the transition from classical one to modern one .

  4. 哈佛学派、芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派等现代竞争理论则是在动态环境下研究竞争。

    Harvard school , Chicago school , Neo-Austrian school , etc. employed dynamic methods to study competition .

  5. 紧接着对目前对产业竞争力相关理论,包括古典竞争理论、现代竞争理论、产业国际竞争力理论进行了论述。

    After that , the related theories about industry competitiveness are elaborated such as the classical and modern competition theory , the theory of international industry competitiveness .

  6. 首先介绍企业竞争力理论主要经历的三个发展阶段及五个不同的理论流派,着重介绍以核心竞争力理论为代表的现代竞争理论阶段。

    Three developing phrases and five different genres are introduced at first . The keystone is the phase of " modern competitive theory ", whose symbol is core competence theory .

  7. 芝加哥学派、新奥地利学派等现代竞争理论则是在动态环境下研究竞争。本文对这些理论进行全面而系统的阐述和分析。

    This paper makes an all-round and systematic analysis on modern theories of competition , such as the Chicago School of Economics and the Neo-Austrian School of Economics that analyze competition from a dynamic angle .

  8. 现代竞争和规制理论的发展,使人们对自然垄断产业有了新的认识。

    With the development of the theory in modern competition and regulation , people have new understanding to the industry of natural monopoly .

  9. 现代竞争与监管理论的发展,推动了在20世纪80年代以来世界范围的铁路打破垄断、引入竞争和放松监管的改革。

    The development of contemporary theory on competition and regulation has promoted the world wide railway reform starting in 1980s , i.e. , breaking monopoly , introducing competition , and deregulation .

  10. 文章通过分析招生的主客观因素,借鉴现代企业竞争战略理论,从招生市场、招生人员、招生对象、招生时机和招生宣传五个方面来论述招生定位战略。

    This thesis expounds the orient strategy of enrollment from five aspects , such as enrolling market , enrolling personnel , enrolling object , enrolling opportunity and enrolling publicity by means of analyzing subjective and objective enrolling causes and using the theory about modem enterprise competitive rivalry .