
  • 网络field evaluation;on-site evaluation
  1. 一种盐岩层蠕变参数的现场评价方法

    On-site evaluation method for the inversion analysis of salt formation creep parameters

  2. 间日疟原虫PCR检测试剂盒用于疟疾监测的现场评价

    Field evaluation for malaria surveillance using a Plasmodium vivax PCR detection kit

  3. 鼠疫F1抗体胶体金检测试剂的研制和现场评价

    Development of colloidal gold reagent for yersinia pestis F1 antibody and its field evaluation

  4. 目的现场评价胶体染料试纸条法(DDIA)免疫诊断试剂盒在大山区型血吸虫病流行区筛查病人中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the field application value of the kit of dipstick dye immunoassay ( DDIA ) for screening schistosomiasis in mountainous endemic regions .

  5. 应用QBC技术快速诊断间日疟的现场评价Ⅱ.间日疟原虫在QBC离心毛细管内的分布及检测

    Field evaluation of QBC technique and fluorochrome stain applied to rapid diagnosis of vivax malaria ⅱ detection and distribution of Plasmodium vivax in the quantitative buffy coat of QBC tube after centrifugation

  6. 生物制品的现场评价是必需而有用的。

    Field evaluation of biologics serves a necessary and useful purpose .

  7. 能够快速、准确实现现场评价、查询和统计功能。

    The soft can achieve accurate evaluation , query and statistical functions .

  8. 流行性出血热沙鼠肾细胞灭活疫苗的现场评价

    A field study of inactivated vaccine against epidemic hemorrhagic fever

  9. 加工辽河原油低温段缓蚀剂现场评价

    Field Evaluation or Corrosion Inhibitor for Low Temperature Section in Processing Liaohe Crude

  10. 冷提取分析及其现场评价异常实例

    Cold extraction analysis and its on-spot evaluation for ANOMALES in a real example

  11. 压裂前合理地层压力的界限及其现场评价方法研究

    Limit of reasonable pre-fracturing formation pressure and field evaluation

  12. 一种唾液快速检测HIV-1/2型抗体试剂的现场评价

    Field evaluation of a new saliva rapid test kit of testing HIV-1 / 2 antibody

  13. 供暖居住建筑节能指标现场评价方法探讨

    Residential building energy efficiency evaluation indices

  14. 溴敌隆颗粒与蜡块毒饵灭鼠效果现场评价

    Field Evaluation of the Effect on Rodent Controlling with Granular and wax Block Bait of Bromadiolone

  15. 在本课题研究过程中,有以下几个创新点:1、研发了现场评价系统。

    The study has some innovative points : 1 . The field evaluation system has been developed . 2 .

  16. 方法利用统计学、管理学的方法对现场评价进行规范。

    Method Make use of statistics and management science be directed at go on standardize on the locale evaluation .

  17. 多参数量化评分法在低孔渗油气层现场评价中的应用

    Application of Multi - parameter Quantitative Grading Methods in Field Evaluation of Oil Layers with Low Porosity and Low Permeability

  18. 氟氯氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制中华按蚊及防疟效果的现场评价

    Field evaluation of bednets impregnated with cyfluthrin for the control of malaria transmitted by Anopheles sinensis in Guangdong province , China

  19. 本系统适当牺牲信噪比,以此来提高处理速度,满足现场评价需求。

    The system sacrifices some S / N ratio properly for improving the processing speed to satisfy the requirement of locale evaluation .

  20. 结论现场评价能较好地反映医疗过程中真实情况,符合持续质量改进的目的,具有较强地实际应用价值。

    Conclusion Actual apply value on the locale evaluation , mirror of the medical process , be up to purpose to continued quality improve .

  21. 目的对项目省沙门菌监测系统的自评价问卷、现场评价和沙门菌监测数据进行综合评价,为改进监测系统提供依据。

    Objective To improve the surveillance system quality and efficiency though a comprehensive evaluation to Salmonella surveillance data and the results of self-evaluation questionnaire and field evaluation to project provinces .

  22. 面向医疗质量评价统计信息的框架是由统计评价和现场评价两部分构成,建立了相应的指标体系、标准与评价方法。

    The statistical data framework facing medical quality assessment was composed of two parts statistical assessment and on the spot assessment . Corresponding Index system , standard and assessment method were established accordingly .

  23. 结果本文通过现场评价的策划,提出现场评价策划的重点是评价标准、抽样方法、表格设计和评价结果的应用。

    Results The make plan passed through on the locale evaluation , put forward make plan focal point on the locale evaluation of appraise standard , spot-method , forms design and the application result .

  24. 在地震波初至走时拾取研究上,寻找既保证准确性,又能提高运算速度的方法,以适应现场评价需求。

    On the study of seismic first break , in order to fit the requirements of locale evaluation , it is needed to find a method that can assure accuracy and improve the speed of computation .

  25. 运用腐蚀试验环法进行现场评价试验,结果表明:该复合缓蚀剂和饱和盐水钻井液配伍性良好,现场缓蚀率达到90%左右,效果明显。

    Spot evaluation test , which was carried out by the method of corrosion test ring , results show : composite inhibitor is consistent to saturated saltwater drilling fluids , its inhibition efficiency is about 90 % .

  26. 并进行了中试放大试验,评价了调剖剂中试产品的热稳定性、抗盐性、膨胀速率、强度、韧性等,同时挂于文13-298油井尾管处进行了现场评价。

    The heat stability , salt tolerance , water expansion ratio , strength and toughness of the agent were evaluated with a pilot product . The pilot product was used in Wen 13 - 298 Well for field evaluation .

  27. 特别是在现场评价油(气)、水层段,采油和地质人员复查老井挖潜油层及分析油井出水原因等,都带来很大效益。

    This is especially meaningful in the evaluation of oil ( gas ) and water-bearing formation at well-site in the re-detection of such formations and in the analysis of the cause of water production in an oil well * etc. , so that large economic benefit will result .

  28. 目的建立结核分枝杆菌(结核菌)链霉素耐药性的噬菌体快速检测技术,并探讨其临床应用价值。(5)对新一代快速检测技术进行实验室和现场评价,对特异性即实验的准确性做出评价。

    Objective To set up a rapid detective technique for streptomycin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( MTB ) by phage amplified biologically ( PhaB ) assay and evaluates the value for application in clinical isolates . ( 5 ) Constructing new diagnosis techniques based on the above antigen and antibody .

  29. 基于AHP的建筑施工现场安全评价模型研究

    A study on safety assessment model of construction site based on AHP

  30. 电热固液蚊香的研制与应用球形芽孢杆菌C(3-41)地方株制剂控制城市致乏库蚊的现场效果评价

    Preparation and Application of Electric-solid-liquid Mosquito Incenses Large Scale Field Trials of Bacillus sphaericus ( strain C_ ( 3-41 )) Local products against Culex quinquefasciatus Mosquito Larvaes in Wuhan City