
  • 网络Insurance planning;National Disability Insurance Scheme
  1. 你参加保险计划一事已有保证。

    Your acceptance into the insurance plan is guaranteed .

  2. 已经有各种保险计划可以实现这一目的。

    Various insurance schemes already exist for this purpose .

  3. 允许工人们不参加最近的老年保险计划。

    Workers are permitted to contract out of the latest old-age insurance plan .

  4. 这个学生的健康保险计划是一种宝贵的效益所带来的成员,你的学生政府。

    This student health plan is a valuable benefit made possible by membership in your student government .

  5. 参议院金融法案将针对个人费用高于8000美元或家庭费用高于21000美元的健康保险计划征收消费税。

    The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $ 8,000 for an individual or $ 21,000 for a family .

  6. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation,简称“AHA”)的数据显示,每年还有65万人被新诊断出患上该疾病。不过“医疗保险计划”的数据显示,新患者的数目比这个数字更高。

    An additional 650000 new cases are diagnosed each year , according to the American Heart Association , though Medicare data suggest the number is higher .

  7. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation,简称AHA)的数据显示,每年还有65万人被新诊断出患上该疾病。不过医疗保险计划的数据显示,新患者的数目比这个数字更高。

    An additional 650,000 new cases are diagnosed each year , according to the American Heart Association , though Medicare data suggest the number is higher .

  8. Claim轮链传动的折价或者溢价是为了减少,油罐车车主将不得不支付第二年关于他们的汽车保险计划。

    The No-Claim Discount or NCD is meant to reduce the premium that car owners will have to pay the following year with regards to their car insurance plan .

  9. 他说,目标包括提高联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)和医疗补助计划(Medicaid)的可持续性发展能力。

    Among those goals would be making Medicare and Medicaid more sustainable , he said .

  10. 比如,两大政党的领导人都想为未来的老年人保留联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)。

    As one example , leaders in both parties want to preserve Medicare for future generations of seniors .

  11. 尽管一些保险计划可通过一种特殊的可自由支配的资金为其投保。然而,Barrette和Grant无法让其保险公司加拿大永明金融集团(SunLife)为其报销这种配方。

    While some plans will cover it through a special discretionary fund , Barrette and Grant cannot expense the formula to their insurer , Sun Life .

  12. 其它银行特别是另一家英国银行巴克莱(barclays)是否会决定参与保险计划,目前还不甚清楚。

    What is less clear is whether other banks most notably Barclays , the other UK lender will decide to participate .

  13. 关于联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)的大胆设想和其它福利改革到底会如何改变罗姆尼-瑞安搭档的命运,一切还不可预知。

    Whether the bold details on Medicare and other entitlement reform sink or lift the romney-ryan ticket is still unknown .

  14. 实际上,国会预算办公室预计,社会保障和联邦医疗保险计划(medicare)的支出占gdp的比重将在未来25年提高10个百分点。

    Indeed , the CBO forecasts that spending on social security and Medicare could rise by 10 per cent of GDP over the next 25 years .

  15. 除此之外,由于在估计联邦医疗保险计划(medicare)成本方面存在不确定性,误差范围尤其大。

    On top of that , the range of error is particularly large owing to the uncertainties in forecasting Medicare costs .

  16. 接着,今年4月,就在Tenet指控CHS涉嫌超额收治患者、从联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)套取资金后一周,CHS又发出了全现金收购要约。

    CHS then made the offer all-cash in April a week after tenet sued it for allegedly over-admitting patients to draw more money from Medicare .

  17. 奥巴马已采取了一些初步举措来扩大医保范围支持扩展联邦儿童医疗保险计划(StateChildren'sHealthInsuranceProgram),在现有700万来自低收入家庭的儿童的基础上,再增加400万,为他们提供医疗。

    Mr Obama has already taken some initial steps to broaden protection , by championing the extension of the State Children 's Health Insurance Program , adding a further 4m to the existing 7m children from families with modest incomes who are provided with medical care .

  18. 据NPR新闻的大卫·威尔纳报道,在附加法中,美国民众可以在不遵照平价医改法的情况下保有过期的保险计划。

    NPR 's David Welna reports in an additional law American to keep expired insurance plans do not comply with affordable plan .

  19. 慢性心力衰竭是医学中最易使人衰弱、治疗成本最高的疾病之一。在医疗保险计划(Medicare)报销规定近期发生变化之后,此类康复计划开始向更多这类患者开放。

    Such rehabilitation programs are opening up to more people with chronic heart failure , one of medicine 's most debilitating and costly illnesses , following a recent change in Medicare reimbursement rules .

  20. 一大问题是,奥巴马政府将在多大程度上寻求削减联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)、联邦医疗补助计划(Medicaid)和社保,这些是开销最大的政府医疗及养老金福利方案。

    One big question is how far the Obama administration will go in seeking cuts to Medicare , Medicaid and Social Security – the most costly government health and pension schemes .

  21. 他们表示,欧元区共同债券(eurobond)和联合存款保险计划在当前气候下不具备政治可行性,然后他们努力寻找一些让人难以信服的次优方案。

    They say that eurobonds and joint deposit insurance are politically impractical in the current climate , and are instead searching for implausible second-best solutions .

  22. 检验保险计划:ACEPrivateRiskServices的董事长罗伯特&12539;库特芒希(RobertCourtemanche)称,一个节省保费的方法是将大部分保险项目(房产、汽车、贵重物品)一并转到同一家保险公司。

    Get an insurance checkup : One way to save money on premiums is to package most of your insurance coverage ( home , auto , valuables ) under one carrier , says Robert Courtemanche , chairman of ACE Private Risk Services .

  23. 鉴于瑞安是唯一一位提出大幅削减联邦预算中规模最大也最受欢迎的项目联邦医疗保险计划(medicare)的知名政治人士,罗姆尼的这一选择需要勇气。

    Given that Mr Ryan is the only politician of note to have proposed a drastic cutback to Medicare , the largest and most popular item on the federal budget , his selection took courage .

  24. 所产生的税收用于为美国国家儿童健康保险计划,即SCHIP的扩大提供资金。

    The revenue is being used to finance an expansion of the State Children 's Health Insurance Program , or SCHIP .

  25. 不过,人们预计imf会避免将这项税收包装为“一种保险计划”,以免带来道德风险,即银行认为,既然自己缴了“费”,就理应能够得到纳税人的纾困。

    However the IMF is expected to shy away from branding the levy as " an insurance scheme " because of the moral hazard it would imply , with banks expecting to be bailed out by the taxpayer because they had paid " a fee " .

  26. Medicaid是公共资助的医疗保险计划,面向低收入患者。对于其胃灼热药物Protonix,惠氏被指向非政府客户提供返点,却未向Medicaid提供返点,涉案金额达数亿美元。

    Wyeth was accused of illegally denying Medicaid , the public-funded health insurance scheme for low-income patients , hundreds of millions of dollars in rebates that were available to non-government customers for its Protonix heartburn drug .

  27. 美国“医疗保险计划”的官员之所以决定扩大偿付范围,一个重要因素是五年前发表的一项名为“HF-Action”的研究。

    A big factor in Medicare 's decision was a 2300-patient study called HF-Action , published five years ago .

  28. 医疗保险计划管理方——医疗保险与医疗救助服务中心(CentersforMedicareandMedicaidServices)负责偿付与分析的代理主任塔玛拉·希赖克-詹森(TamaraSyrek-Jensen)说:“从全局来看,(扩大偿付范围)是个积极的进步。”

    When you look at the big picture , it was a positive step forward ' to extend coverage , said Tamara Syrek-Jensen , acting director for the coverage and analysis group at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , which administers the Medicare program .

  29. 的其他专家运用了HF-Action的数据及其他的最新研究,将它们作为说服“医疗保险计划”官员扩大心脏康复报销范围的理据基础。

    used the HF-Action data and other recent research as the basis of their argument to Medicare to extend coverage for cardiac rehab .

  30. 美国政府于1997年制定的联邦儿童医疗保险计划是自1965年创立Medicaid以来美国政府对贫困儿童的医疗保健进行的最大投资。

    The State Children 's Health Insurance Program ( SCHIP ), touted as the largest expansion in health insurance since the enactment of Medicaid in 1965 , was signed into law as part of Title XXI of the 1997 Balanced Budget Act .