
  1. 广州保税区物流功能及发展对策

    The Logistic Function of Guangzhou Free Trade Zone and Its Development Strategy

  2. 港口物流案例:天津港保税区物流中心

    Case of Port Logistics : Logistics Center of Free Trade Zone of Tianjin Port

  3. 我国保税区物流业竞争力评价及发展对策研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Competition Ability and Development Strategies of Logistics Industry in Bonded Area of China

  4. 公司雄厚的实力及丰富的保税区物流运作经验是我们为客户提供放心、满意服务的保障。

    Our tremendous strength and rich logistic operation experience in Bonded Area are the guarantee to provide assured and satisfied service for our customers .

  5. 首先,指出我国保税区物流产业在发展过程中遇到的种种难题严重阻碍了保税区向自由贸易区的转型。

    First , it points out that the difficulties which occurred during the development of the logistics severely hindered the transition from bonded zone to free trade zone .

  6. 大连保税区金鼎物流库房。

    Dalian protect the tax law area Jinding logistics factory premises .

  7. 我国保税区国际物流发展对策研究

    The Countermeasure for Development of International Logistics of Bonded Area

  8. 因此,研究和探讨大连保税区发展物流产业的对策对于相似区域的经济建设和促进大连保税区自身现代物流业的发展具有一定的参考价值和现实意义。

    So it will be a valuable reference and practically meaningful to analyze and probe into the development of logistics in Dalian Free Trade Zone , which can absolutely promote the development and provide useful hints to other similar regions .

  9. 保税区发展商贸物流中心的瓶颈分析

    Analysis on the Bottleneck of Developing Business Logistics Center in Bonded Area

  10. 因此,如何有效地依托保税区发展国际物流,以促进保税区向自由贸易区转型,是我国各保税区管理和研究机构亟待解决的重大课题。

    Therefore , it is the significant subject facing the administrative and research organizations of the Bonded Zone , how to develop effectively the international logistics relying on the Bonded Zone in order to promote the transition from the Bonded Zone to the Free Trade Zone .

  11. 本文通过研究中国保税区的由来、以及保税区物流功能及物流业发展的现状与趋势等内容,探索广州保税区的物流功能开发方式及发展对策。

    Covering the origin of Free Trade Zone , its logistic function and current situation and the developing trend , this thesis focus on the developing methods and strategy for logistics sector in Guangzhou Free Trade Zone .

  12. 本文对国际物流系统及其模式进行了综述,分析了国际物流系统的基本特及其发展趋势,以天津港保税区为例,就保税区发展国际物流的思路进行了探讨。

    This paper summarized the international Logistics system and its mode , and analyzed the basic features and development trend of it , and made a discussion of developing international Logistics of free trade zone , which makes TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone as an example .

  13. 从保税区到自由贸易区&天津港保税区物流发展研究

    From Bonded Zone to Free Trade Zone & Study on the Logistic Development of Tianjin Bonded Zone

  14. 在系统分析政策环境的技术上,通过对天津港保税区SWOT分析,提出了天津港保税区发展国际物流系统可以选择的发展战略,并进而提出了其实施国际物流发展战略实施的对策措施。

    Base on analyzing government policy environment and SWOT analysis of TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone , the author provided the possible development strategy of international Logistics system in TIANJIN Port Bonded Zone and the detail methods to realize it .

  15. 本文主要以天津港保税区为研究对象,开展了如下工作:1.详细研究和分析保税区国际物流发展的现状问题,剖析原因,并进行物流园区的SWOT分析。

    Detailed study and analysis of international logistics development status of the problem , analyze the cause and SWOT analysis of logistics zone . 2 .